Fett Costume Questions


New Hunter
I did my first troop as a Fett on Saturday. It was a Toys for Tots event. I was asked a lot of questions by the children. Some answers I knew, some I have no clue how to answer or what they did.

So, the first question is what are the chest lights. My answer was they go back and forth and change numbers/symbols. What are they supposed to represent?

When asked about the "hair on the arm", I answered Wookie braids. I am not sure the children liked the answer. How do people answer that question?

When asked about the Sarlac pit, I explained it would take a 1000 years to digest me so I had time to escape. I guess they bought it.

What other questions do people get asked and what are your answers?

My Boba isn't perfect but here is a pic. (For the record this is around 1 PM and I was dressed at 9 AM so I did get some things knocked around/out of alignment)
That is a great looking suit man :eek:

I especially like the jumpsuit weathering and how your sleeves are all "crinkled" up and worn looking (like he's worn it for months without a wash) :lol: Very realistic.

Oh, and the armor is ok too I guess ;) :lol:

Seriously, it all looks awesome man, from the paint to the assembly. Great freakin job !

On the "hair" ... that turned into Jedi Scalps" somewhere along the line I think. Not sure the kids are gonna like that answer either .. but I suppose it's better that telling them that it's hair/braids/scalps from something so "cuddly" and reminiscent as that of a family pet. That's like saying they're "Bambi" braids :eek: Could you imagine the look you would get if you said THAT :lol:

The chest lights I always attributed to some sort of "life support system" like Vader. Or at the very least, oxygen supply or something like that. Otherwise, I have no clue. But it sounds good ! Maybe a nuke ... like in "Predator" ? If things get too bad between him and an adversary ... he can finish it , the EASY way. The attitude, if I can't have you, no one can? (Referring to the "Bounty" for said adversary that is). :lol:

Ok, so that last one was lame, I know :p

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Very nice suit. :thumbsup: I agree w/ FP on the chest lights, some sort of life support. The braids are just from Wookies gone bad, they're not from the nice wookies like Chewie. ;):lol:
i usually tell people that the lights are the status readout on my suit's environmental control systems. that either satisfies them or confuses them with big words.

the wookiee braids... i usually say wookiee scalps, but i like upsetting children :)
I wish after 11 posts my Boba looked that nice!

Tell me about it! I'm going on 11 yrs! Everytime I begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, somebody moves the end of the tunnel (cough, cough, v3 armor, cough cough FPH helmet).

Building a Fett suit is like the 'Costume California'..."You can finish your costume anytime you like, but you can never complete it." :rolleyes Okay, that was bad.

Great looking suit man!!!!
Thanks for the compliments. I actually washed the suit, dirtied it (many, many times to get it right), rolled it up and stuffed it in a corner to make it wrinkled. In other words, how I treat my normal laundry.

I thought the girl was going to cry when I said they were wookie braids and I hunted wookies. I thought "this will put a bummer in her day". It is for the kids, so I would rather not make them cry. Maybe if I said ewok's instead.....

I have been on here for six months so 11 posts is not that bad for me. I prefer to blend into the woodwork and not say much. Honestly it is a great site. I was able to get all the information, pictures, paint listing and how to paint them, all the parts (some used, some new, some new but not doing a fett any more), and a lot of assembly information from TDH. So a big thank you to everybody. If I started listing people it would sound like a Jesse Jackson speach, so lets just keep it simple and say everybody.

I am wearing a JP in the pic but you can't see it. I don't think it came out too bad.

The costume came out great, friend! And congrats on your first troop. If you're wondering what other questions you may be asked, I've been consistently asked if my jet pack works!!!:jet pack:jet pack:jet pack I always say that it does, but that I can't fire it now because
1) I'll hit the ceiling (if I am indoors)
2) Because Vader told me I couldn't.

I've also been asked about what my rangefinder is for.

And the question that will result in a disintegration: "what's up with your voice?":rolleyes:rolleyes
Like I told you already man, looks fantastic! Great to see new Fetts being put together this great the FIRST time through! I remember a time when a person's first Fett was hardly close to this good... man how times have changed!

As for the questions, we all get them from kids. I use the same answers, the chest lights are part of my life support system, the braids are wookie braids... yes my jet pack works but I can't fly indoors... NO I won't shoot you...I haven't been paid to. ;)
What is it with kids and wanting to be shot? Every event I go to, I get asked to shoot them... :facepalm

I need to make a blaster out of an airsoft and just do it! :lol:

Granted, it's not really funny when you shoot a kid with an airsoft...It is in theory, but when you actually do it...... Just don't....
Kids that ask me if my jet pack works usually ask me to prove it when I say yes. My usual responce is "I can't use it as I'm cutting back on my carbon footprint". Those kids that say my blaster isn't real get told to "run and I'll shoot you! If it's not real you'll be fine but if it's real..." my tone combined with my stance has 7 out of 10 kids running for their little lives and their parents wetting themselves laughing.
I went with the Hisonic Waistband amplifier (less then $50 on sale...I think I bought it for around $35). I then tore it apart. I bought a Hyperdyne voice changer (lower cost one). I mounted both of those on a piece of plexiglass. I put velcro on the back side. I put that unit into the JP (with velcro) and drilled two small holes on either side for the jacks (painted blue and not very noticable except for the wires going into them). I put the speaker in the side pouch.

I plug my headset in one side and my speaker in the other. They could hear me just fine with the setup and no feedback unless I was standing too close (almost standing on each other) to a TK and both of us were talking. However, most of my conversation was chewing on a cough drop since I had a cold. The way I have it done it would be a pain to adjust your volume in the middle of a troop. You would need to take the JP off and then turn it up/down. Still thinking on that one.

I mounted it on plexiglass so I can quickly disconnect the unit and put in in the backplate of my TK (disconnect two wires and pull it from the velcro). I haven't trooped in the TK yet so I am not sure how well it will work out but in theory.....
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