Expert advice needed please (pic intensive)


New Hunter
Hi Fett experts,

I'm a little stumped, I've just got another DP 95 Fett, that makes 2. They're both very different and I'm just wondering which one's normal and which one's the freak.

Ok, here's a few pics, new on the left.


The thing is the one on the right is smooth, no paint apart from the mandibles, kill stripes, ears and some grey (put on with, what looks like a paintbrush to make it look weathered, also you'll notice I got a bit drunk and went a little silly with one of those silver paint pens:rolleyes ) The surface is a little textured, not baby smooth like the inside, but I'm convinced the green is not painted.


The new one (left) has, what seems like a chipped paint texture on it, there are a few large smooth patches and some little ones, kind of hard to explain. Also the helmet is painted the same as mentioned above but it also has 2 tones of green, lighter green on the upper cheek curves (sorry not sure what the proper term is) and at the back under the red line, dark green on the rest.




So can anyone tell me which is the "normal" 95 and which is the freak?

Also, I actually bought the new one to make a custom Mando for my daughter, which one do you think I should use?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


I bought one of those once. Mine was green all the way through, inside to outside. Some type of plastic. I'm no expert, but the one I got showed the same green color all the way around. I saw one of them had a slightly different green on the back. I cut the visor out of it, flared it out, and will see how it looks after it's completely repainted.
Thanks for your replies :)

What I'm wondering is, which is the normal DP 95, the one with the rough but painted surface? or the one with the smooth, unpainted surface.

I knew that the white interior helmet's the best of the 95's, not sure why though. I assume that the white's were all white and were painted green, am I wrong?

Thanks again for your replies:)


The one on the left looks as if it's had a bad spray paint job done at some time in it's life- You get that mottling effect if you apply too many layers of spray paint at once- a good sanding with wet 'n' dry should smooth the finish out. Get it smooth, coat it in primer and re-paint. Also, replace the visor with an acrylic one peice visor and it should look a lot better!!
Hi Spikefett,

That's what I thought, so I gave it a hard scrape, the lumps are the helmet.

I also believe that the paint is from the factory, the colours match and there's a mass produced overspray on the red at the back. I really think it's manufactured.


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