ESB Cape Information

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Ok, I am pretty confused.
I was looking back at some tutorials on ESB capes, one by MaxPlague, and I am confused which way the stripe goes.
Here are some diagrams:



The little O is to represent the attatchment to the collar armour.

So, is A) or B) correct? That's what I'm trying to figure out. Also, if I am not correct with the attachment spot, could anyone correct me on that too?
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See, I was thinking it was A), but MaxPlague (sorry if I am mistaken) said that he did it that way in his tutorial, but he realized he did it wrong. That's what's confusing me.
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I think B) is almost correct, in that, according to the pic in the aforementioned link, the stripe is running horizontally, but the cape is hanging longer in the vertical over the horizontal length. I also think the grommet attachment would be moved closer to a corner as it is in Brak's cape tutorial. Granted that tutorial is for the RotJ cape, but, regardless if the cape is the RotJ or ESB style, it still should look like it's hanging the same way.
Just my two cents worth, but I know Jango's kid might also be able to shed some light on this thread since quite a few of the board members thought his personal ESB cape was one of the best-looking ones to ever be praised on the board.;)
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I'm clearly terrible with wurds so perhaps this will better explain what I think is correct:


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Thank you "jeezcrazy" as I too,am terrible explaining things,and I lack sufficient pic posting abilities to do anything usefull about it ;).You got the nail right on the head with the overlay pic.The stripe will still be vertical,but the attachment is in the corner. :)

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Stripe goes vertical, "A." My initial attempt was wrong when I made the thing horizontal...I'll have to edit that old post :)
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Thanks JC for the pic! That helps tremendously for the attachment!

Now though, is the consensus that it should hang that particular way, but with pattern "A" ?
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I would say so, according to the pic above posted by JeezyCreepy.

Let us know what happens...

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well folks , i got the blanket in the mail today . it was way off . the stripe is way to thin and the material is way to heavy and the color is off , but just a little.

but hey , i got a really warm blanky now.
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