ESB Belt Questions


Active Hunter
How wide is the belt on the ESB ammo belt? Also, how tall, wide and deep are ammo pouches. I think I will make my own ammo belt. If vinyl is what is used it will be even easier and cheaper than leather. Also does anyone have a good side arm holster picture that will give me an idea of how to make that also?
Check out for a nice little tutorial on how to make the pouches.

I used a 3" wide leather belt that I got at Home Depot (or Lowes). All I had to do to the nelt was cut off the buckle area, glue velcro on it, and wear it backwards.

I'm not sure where the thread is located, but look here and in the blasters section for holster details.
I saw a belt at wally world last night in the clearence section that was 3" fake leather that was perfect, but since it was a womens belt it was about 10" to short. DOH!

I will stop by the leather goods store to look at what they have.
I got a belt blank in a choclate bron. has somes spots and imperfections so it will make a good weathered looking belt. I also bought leather to make pouches. just need dimensions and patern to make these pouches.

Thanks for any info.

soilman wrote:

...I also bought leather to make pouches. just need dimensions and patern to make these pouches.

Like I said before, go to TK-409's website. He has paterns for the belt there. If you have the leather all you need is some balsa wood and you should be set.

soilman wrote:

I got a belt blank in a choclate bron. has somes spots and imperfections so it will make a good weathered looking belt. I also bought leather to make pouches. just need dimensions and patern to make these pouches.

Thanks for any info.

Didnt know they made belt blanks.Where did you get yours?My belt needs to be upgraded.
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