EE Mando 14 Action Figure Pack characters

I like how they all have the same gauntlets lol, oh entertainment earth. i thought they where better than this

Oh c'mon. Almost all the custom Mandalorians on this forum have the same gauntlets. :lol:

It surprises me that I'm hearing more negative comments on this then positive, even though for the first time in 30 years we'll have Mandalorian Action figures that aren't Boba Fett or Jango Fett! Who cares if they share molds? All Mandalorian characters share a simiar look. And they aren't all straight repaints- the heads are different on all of them, and the configuration of the arms, legs and torso on the Male figures is different for each one.

Anyone else besides me like these?

Yes and no. I like that they chose a few Mandos whose paint schemes are close enough to established characters. I'm not gonna acknowledge them by the names Hasbro gave them though. I'm still gonna call them Vau, Skirata, and Tervo. I do really like having all of Omega squad there though. That makes me happy.
It's kind of a slap to the face of Karen Traviss honestly. You would think they would do established characters instead of making up their own. I'm definitely not saying they aren't cool looking, but it's looking like they are leaving out the character's everyone has come to know for characters they are making up.

Also been looking at close-ups of these figures, they basically are repaints of the same 3 figures (so far). Also, why do they describe Isabet with a more Death Watch mentality? Thats somewhat questionable.
It's kind of a slap to the face of Karen Traviss honestly. You would think they would do established characters instead of making up their own. I'm definitely not saying they aren't cool looking, but it's looking like they are leaving out the character's everyone has come to know for characters they are making up.

Maybe its an issue of rights and license in regards to the names? I mean I don't know why hasbro wouldn't be able to use the names, but maybe they couldn't. I would email Adam Pawlus on about it. He's got a weekly Q&A, and he works for Entertainment Earth.

As for the figures, You are right. The red and green guy are the same mold and the black and brown guy are the same, and the women Mandalorians are the same. (me, I'm never going to remember the names, I'll probably make up my own.) I saw closer pictures and realized I was wrong. But I'm still digging this set. Chances are, once I get the set I'll be letting the clones go. I'm past my clone phase. I only pick up original Trilogy stuff now, but I can't pass up on Mandalorians.

Speaking from the prospective of someone that will not be able to buy this set or see them with out the aid of a computer screen,atleast not in the near future.
Theses figures look good and hey the companies meet "our" demand to have a Mandalorians other than Boba and Jango in 20 different posess.
Another part of the problem with repaints like these is the demand figures like these have.
The manufractures know no matter how chessey the figure looks or if the figure is casted from the same mold from the last 5 years.People will buy them and pay whatever the price is.
$70-80 for action figures that you could find at a online auction site for a handful of dollars and paint it up to look like what YOU want.

We as the comsumers need to send a message to the companies and take back control of the demand for the "limited edition" figures and other mercedise.
Greed has most asured taken over the love to want to hold,own and play with items from SWU,many like me who have been buying SW "stuff" for thirty years.

Sorry for the rant
Okay, here's a couple of things you can do to help your issues with it:
First, remember this: Nothing required them to do this. Omega Squad would've come out eventually, no matter what, simply to avoid riots. But that's it. They never had to do the headsculpts for this, or the accessories that they've got, or the two new femando sculpts.
Two: Ignore the listed names. From top left, we have: Atin, Niner, who knows, ditto for him, Vhonte Tervo, Fi, Darman. Bottom row, from left: Cannon fodder 1, cannon fodder 2, Kal Skirata, The chick from Insider who still doesn't have a name but should, Ghez Hokan, and two friggin' cool ARC troopers.
Three: Don't say it's a slap in the face to Karen. She helped them with it, actually. I don't know why they're not named properly, but I'm thinking it's due to issues with licensing or something there. But look at who Karen gave us. Kal, Ghez, Vhonte, Omega Squad, and the unnamed Insider chick, plus six other cool figures. Anyone who's really interested in the Mandos will recognize them for who they are, and if they aren't, then it won't matter to them. And if you're truly not happy, then the guy with silver armor could quickly be repainted into Walon Vau, and the green-armored dude could be repainted into the unnamed Insider dude who was getting married to the chick that we did get (mostly, but that's the nature of Mando paint schemes)

So quit whining, okay? They're mostly repaints, yes. Why? Because if every single figure was a new sculpt, then it would've cost over $150 for the set, and not all the figures would be as well-articulated as they are.

And if nothing else, you can't change it. We'll most likely not get Omega carded, so this is gonna be one of the only ways to get them other than e-bay. But get this: NOTHING YOU DO WILL CHANGE WHAT IS IN THAT PACK WHEN YOU BUY IT. What they're showing you is what you're going to get. If you want to change it, buy some paint, and do it that way.

I don't think anyone is whining, but complacency is what makes something fun and interesting...less fun and interesting.

If you want to change it, buy some paint, and do it that way.

Thats pretty much what they did heh. I've got Boba and Jango in a box on the wall behind my work desk here, I can just repaint them and give'em a different name I guess. Then why buy those? I do like the Fem mandos, I think they did an good job as far as those are concerned. I don't like that they renamed them, I doubt that if a company is going to let you use Star Wars, Mandalorian, and the armor that they arn't going to let you use the names either. After dealing with LFL on licensing issues...I just don't see how they would object to that.

There's nothing wrong with people being vocal of things they don't like =) That's what inspires progress.
Okay, I have official word from Karen on this, from her Yahoo groups e-mail.

"Mij Gilamar, battlefield medicine expert. The sergeant who knows
where to stick a hypospray to do most damage when he runs out of
ammo. Yes, Omega and Skirata do refer to him in TC.

(There was discussion with Hasbro about Kal, but the head mold was
too young, so I asked if they wouldn't mind changing the names.)

Jim [Gilmer] won't say it, being a modest sort of chap, but rearrange the
first name and say the second one a bit faster, and there you go. By
way of thanks to Jim for all the friendship and practical support
he's given me over the years. When Hasbro said they were doing the
Cuy'val Dar and we talked about names, I thought it would be pretty
cool to have an action figure named after him.

Naming characters is one of a few lasting tributes that a writer can
give special people. There are a few in the various series, and you
already know about Ray's Ram Zerimar character in my LOTF books.

Yes, Rav Bralor is also one of my OCs and appears in TC. (All the RC
cast are my OCs, except Delta.) I mentioned her in Hard Contact and
Triple Zero, and everyone assumed Rav Bralor was male. (Tut tut.) In
TC, you'll meet her.


And as far as Vhonte Tervo goes:
"> I mean, what gives? I understand that
> Tom Hodges wasn't too happy they renamed the red
> female Mando Rav Bralor, instead of Vhonte Tervho. I
> heard a rumor that Karen was going to include Vhonte
> Tervho in her next commando book, True Colors, and
> make her finally canon in the Expanded Universe. Is
> that true?

Simple answer: I don't know what gives, either, and that's normal
procedure in the industry. All I did was provide a list of character
names when asked, with one-line descriptions, and I didn't know at
that time how many figures would be produced; I commented on the names
Hasbro already came up with (like "no Zs, please") and I commented on
an interim stage where I saw some of the figures, and the Kal one
looked too young, with darker hair IIRC. The next I knew was when the
packs came out. Writers don't usually get consulted at all, so it was
generous of Hasbro to even run *any* stuff past me. Some I hoped would
make the cut didn't. And Vhonte is named in True Colors, so she is
canon. (And that reminds me I need to check the second pass galleys
for spelling, because the H got lost last time.)


Karen has spoken. Amen.(y)
I'm glad they consulted KT. Definitely a big star for that, and thanks for pointing it out Ceric =D

Still can't get around the repainting though, especially for a LTD set, but each to their own.
Actually, we're more likely to see repaints/repacks/kitbashes for exclusive figures/sets than for regular ones, since they (Hasbro) won't be making as much money off of them and thus will have a harder time justifying the increased cost of new sculpts.

Now, if you want something to whine about, whine about the material for the helmets, and the sculpts of them. The helmets need to be made from the same harder plastic as most of the rest of the figure is instead of the soft plastic that they use. But Hasbro has recognized that it's a problem already, as seen in some recent figures (Commander Cody, primarily), and they're working on fixing it. So whine about that, but only if you're sending letters to Hasbro about it at the same time.
So quit whining, okay? They're mostly repaints, yes. Why? Because if every single figure was a new sculpt, then it would've cost over $150 for the set, and not all the figures would be as well-articulated as they are.

And if nothing else, you can't change it. We'll most likely not get Omega carded, so this is gonna be one of the only ways to get them other than e-bay. But get this: NOTHING YOU DO WILL CHANGE WHAT IS IN THAT PACK WHEN YOU BUY IT. What they're showing you is what you're going to get. If you want to change it, buy some paint, and do it that way.


If Hasbro/EE/Lucas comes out with a product that just isn't up to par in my eyes, I have every intent and right to criticize it. I've spent thousands of dollars on Star Wars stuff in my lifetime, and some of it was less than quality. Several figures that I've purchased were the EXACT same figure I had bought before, but with a different card. That upsets me as a fan, because that says to me "Hey...I know you're going to buy any old **** that I slap 'Star Wars' on, so I'll just keep repackaging the same toys and re-introducing them over and over." It's pure laziness. The only truly new sculpt in the whole set is the female Mando. The males are just Jango upper bodies stuck on Boba lower bodies and repainted with maybe a new belt or ammo pouch over the shoulder. Omega Squad is just a repainted Delta Squad.

Sorry if it upsets you that I can complain about this, but out of all of the times that I have been disappointed by Star Wars figures, this is the worst...mostly because the figures that they chose to half-*** were ones that I was looking forward to the most. I would almost rather they not make them at all, than make them and do a bad job on them.

It would be awesome if we could somehow pull some TDH or 501st strings and get some real input on some new figures. Who really knows more about Mandalorians than the patrons of this board and of the 501st?
ok so i know most of these are really bad figures but i will still pick up this pack...but mostly for custom fodder!
Well, we're getting another Mandalorian later this year/early next year:

And based on their previous Evolutions packs, all three of these will be completely brand-new sculpts. Though, honestly, I'd prefer to see that Boba just be the VOTC Boba with a removable helmet, and possibly a couple other minor details fixed, as you honestly can't improve that one much. Why do you think it was used so much in this pack? It's a super-articulated sculpt, the only thing that could be done is the mods that you see occasionally with ball-jointed hips and wrists, and I don't think Hasbro will be doing that due to the difficulty level, plus extra cost. My biggest hope is that we'll get more articulation in the Jango sculpt and the Mandalore the First sculpt.

Oh, and as far as Omega Squad just being repaints of Delta goes, that's Omega Squad for you. Yeah, they normally carry extra stuff, but the figures are going to have them carrying their standard equipment, which is identical to Delta Squad's. Granted, they could've gone and given us a sniper attachment version of the Deece, but it's a small complaint. And look at this, a carded RC (albeit part of a comic pack) that's not a Scorch repaint (well, technically, he is, since the other RCs are retools and repaints of Scorch, but still).


So if you're going to complain, at least keep in mind that we are getting a lot of RCs and Clones and Mandalorians, and that Hasbro's been doing something decent each time. We haven't had a crappy repaint (by itself) yet. The only ones that count as crappy repaints are the two from the EE pack. And that's two out of... IDK how many. A lot. Hasbro has at least put a lot of quality and thought into each one of these, no matter how much you think they're just throwing random paint onto it and slapping it onto a card to milk money out of us (which is the entire point of any for-profit business venture, so they're not doing anything that they shouldn't be expected to do, and they're doing a lot more than they're required by giving us stuff like this.


EDIT: Okay, upon further examination, the Boba from the Evolutions pack looks to be the VOTC Boba with a retooled head joint for the new Stormtrooper head. While it's not the best sculpt, it's better than nothing, and is probably gonna look pretty good. And it's got some new accessories. Also, I believe that Jango's got a removable helmet, as well as ball-joint shoulders. Based on the look of it, Jango's an entirely new sculpt, so that's two out of three new sculpts, and one kitbash to improve the only thing wrong with an already incredible figure.

EDIT AGAIN: With clearer pics, I can tell for certain that all three figures are completely new sculpts.
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I like the evolutions ideas in those pics. I'll be grabbing the bottom two sets for Nihilus and Mandalore, if I can find them.

My complaint is not that they're trying to make money...that's fine. I just can't fathom why they would keep repainting and reissuing the same figure over and over with different names when there are so many popular characters to choose from already, and so many different poses and weapons to choose from. Out of all of those Mandalorians I listed earlier, not one of them was made into a figure.

I'm now looking forward to that Mandalore figure. I wish they would make more unleashed figures...those are pretty dang sweet (repaints aside).
EDIT: Okay, upon further examination, the Boba from the Evolutions pack looks to be the VOTC Boba with a retooled head joint for the new Stormtrooper head. While it's not the best sculpt, it's better than nothing, and is probably gonna look pretty good. And it's got some new accessories. Also, I believe that Jango's got a removable helmet, as well as ball-joint shoulders. Based on the look of it, Jango's an entirely new sculpt, so that's two out of three new sculpts, and one kitbash to improve the only thing wrong with an already incredible figure.

Boba Fett there is more new then you think. It's ESB Boba Fett, so the gauntlet will be different, the cape, the belt and he'll have a holster and the head looks like its not exactly a clone head like most of the clones. It looks like he's got a grey balaclava on.

So many Mandalorians coming up. I am happy.


I'd like to see the McQuarrie Boba Fett be repainted too. =)
UPDATE: Pics in the above post have been updated with slides from slideshow replacing pictures of presentation; both link to gallery of the slides.
Welllll, I'm up and down on this set. I'm happy to get Omega Squad and not have to repaint Delta.

The ARC's might be pretty darn cool too.

Female Mando's always good.

Clonetroopers w/ slightly new details. Okay, as long as the articulation is good, and not lame. (I can't stand when they can't hold a rifle in both hands like they're aiming it)

Repaints and body swaps...a standard in the industry. Get the most use outa dem molds!

Interesting colors on the mandos, a couple have "areas" I'd thought to incorporate in my upcoming Mando, but at least they consulted Karen, so that's a big bonus for me!

Mainly, it's Omega Squad. 'course they are repaints, no need to make new molds for Republic Commandos.

The Arcs, Female Mandos are a bonus. The other Mandos and Clones fill up the box...
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