Durge Durge=Mando???


Active Hunter
In doing some research over the last couple months, the same thought keeps coming to mind. Would Durge (Clone Wars) be considered a Mandolorian as he does have a VERY (stylized but) prominant Bantha Skull on the front of his armor???

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From wikipedia -

"Durge was a Gen'Dai bounty hunter"..."His armor bears the sigil of the Mandalorians, probably to remind him of his grudge against them."

I wouldn't consider him a Mando at all, mainly because he hates/hunts them.
Durge was trained by the Mandalorian combat master Jaing (The same person who the Mandalorian skull logo was taken from). They were both very good friends, and when some rival mandalorians killed Jaing, Durge swore to hunt down every last Mandalorian.

Durge wears the skull as a reminder of Jaing (who's skull it is), as a reminder of his training, and as a reminder of those who he hates.

wow that is totally different to what i read about durge....though what noval said makes more sense...i read somewhere that durge´s entire race was wiped out by the mandos and he was tortured almost to death before he escaped...he then went into hiding from the mandos in some kind of stasis...he awakens to find an army of cloned mandos running around and decides to take his revenge...that what i read lol
wow that is totally different to what i read about durge....though what noval said makes more sense...i read somewhere that durge´s entire race was wiped out by the mandos and he was tortured almost to death before he escaped...he then went into hiding from the mandos in some kind of stasis...he awakens to find an army of cloned mandos running around and decides to take his revenge...that what i read lol

Thats not all false either actually. Durge was hired to kill the current Mand'alor around 120 BBY and succeeded, however he was captured by the Mandalorians and tortured. He escaped and literally went "underground" for a century in stasis while he healed.
Thats not all false either actually. Durge was hired to kill the current Mand'alor around 120 BBY and succeeded, however he was captured by the Mandalorians and tortured. He escaped and literally went "underground" for a century in stasis while he healed.
Yeah, then when he came out of stasis he some how figure out the clones were cloned from a mandalorian and took the job from the CIS to help destory the Republic but was mainly foucused on killing clones as revenge for being tortured and the death of Jaing by mandos loyal to Ung Kusp.

The sneaky s.o.b snuck up behind us in the middle of our photo shoot!!!!

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