DeathWatch Mandalorian


Active Hunter
I was receantly asked to make a set of DeathWatch armour for a friend who wishes to troop with the Knights Of The Empire. Here's the result so far:

This is the armour he wanted made. It is a DeathWatch Ghost from Star Wars Galaxies:

The helmet he wants to go with it can be seen here on the classic Jango Fett Open Season's Deathwatch member on the right:

This will be made once the helmet arrives and progress will be shown on this thread.

Here is the completed armour:

Torso armour:

Back armour:

Leg armour:

Helmet progress to follow...
Truly wicked looking! Great job on the weathering. I take it the hole in the chest plate was the fatal blow. I read that you used Sintra for the armor. What kind of paint did you use?
The chest damage doesn't go all the way through, call it a narrow escape (would've broken a rib or two though). I used grey primer and then Games Workshop acylics.
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