Death Watch Helmet


New Hunter
Here at long last are the pictures of the Death Watch Helmet let me know what you think.



Thats one of the helmets pictured in the new Star Wars insider magazine.#80. in the Mandalorian article.... The issue explains what alot of the novels have established.. and has a pic is of that helmet..Which you nailed....

Not all Deathwatch have that helmet.. I just happens to be one pictured.. not bad.. may still need some ork.. your chest armor looks a little big.. trim it down and everything should even out.. makes your chest look out of proportion...
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Still needs a little work, but you're off to a great start. Looks very close to the deathwatch helmets seen in Open Seasons. And I have to admit, I've never seen any one else do a deathwatch bucket.
C*E*N*O*B*Y*T*E said:
Still needs a little work, but you're off to a great start. Looks very close to the deathwatch helmets seen in Open Seasons. And I have to admit, I've never seen any one else do a deathwatch bucket.

I second that... Jango Fett: Open Seasons have some great images of Deathwatch buckets..

but like cenobyte says.. you're off to a great start.
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