Custom Mando :D (Pic Heavy)

Awesome first outfit.Keep those pics coming!I like the color pattern of the armor,and the weathering is good too!
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^Explain spats to me.

How does one go about constructing knee plates?

And I'm letting you all know that my first semester of school is going to be pretty crazy with soccer and college classes so my visits to TDH will be...infrequent to say the least.
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Spats, they are a bit like a cloth version of an ankle brace, but looser, if you check Boba Fett's feet out, he has them.

Cut out the general shape but ensure that there is one side that is still flat, then you place a box like structure onto it, however, as you are constructing your own then you can either use some pre shaped plastic or your own design.
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understandable, Ord'ika, do what u gotta do, real life has to take precedence sometimes
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Wow Ordeyn i just now started following your Wip and you have given me ideas for my custom mando that i just started working on. All i know is that bondoing a helmet is a pain in the butt
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"Cut out the general shape but ensure that there is one side that is still flat, then you place a box like structure onto it, however, as you are constructing your own then you can either use some pre shaped plastic or your own design."

I assume you're referring to the knee plates, right Saz?
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Guess what? One of my two soccer seasons just finished today! I'm that much closer to getting back to working on finishing this set of armor. No real updates besides that. But I have been wanting to do some full armor pics, so that may happen eventually...
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I've been a bit of a disappointment in the photo department. I just haven't gotten around to it... and we lost the camera. So, I have a question instead: how does one keep light from coming up into the helmet and revealing one's face inside? Is there a good way to block light from getting inside the while wearing it?
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bucket skirt... it's a piece of material (fitted to the bucket) that fits under the chin and blocks out the light.
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It's like a seal on the inside of the bucket. Usually you can make it with fabric and an elastic ring in the centre. :)
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Awesome, thank you! I'll get to work on that, some weapons, and some pictures....eventually.
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I make weapons if you need 'em Ord'ika... may have to wait a few months for me to get back stateside tho.
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well... I do a wide variety of knives, I have a Power-5 Design that turned out pretty good and could easily be modded to a DL-44, I am working on a Power-5 Carbine, a Verpine Sniper Rifle and a Verpine Assault Rifle, I'm also building a CQBR version of the Blastech A280. Basically... if you have a good image and it's not too complicated, I can probably pull it off.
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Well, kal, when I try to make my own weapons and if I really suck at it I will let you know. I'd really like to give making my own custom weapons a go. :)
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