Creating my own mando suit

Mando Blood

New Hunter
hello all i'm new and i have no exp in making mando armour or weapons and i would like to make my own mando suit and blasters so if anyone could give me directions or a guide to make my own mando armour and weapons that'd be awesome! Plz someone help me.

:jet pack

mando's rule
Yep, you first have to decide what Mando your making.

For armor, you can use Sintra, a type of plastic that bends when heated and keeps it's shape when cooled. It works great for armor. Just do a quick search for "wizzardofflight templates" and you'll find great armor templates for Boba and Jango to print out.
Also, if you can't find sintra, you can use the trashcan idea, by cutting your armor out of a trashcan. Just search "Trashcan Armor" for a thread by AFettFullofDollars.

For weapons, you can either get an existing toy gun like a nerf gun, modify it, and paint it, or you can build one from wood and pvc pipe.

That's just the basic info to get you started.
if you're going with the custom mando, don't wimp out and only wear the armor with a sucky undersuit (me last halloween.......). Make sure it's extremely similar to Boba/Jango or else it'll look like you make a custom mando to get out of doing something great.

also, use a large elliptical shaped garbage can to make your armor. it's durable and easy !
It's a cool idea, work up some drawings of what you want it to look like. I always thought that a camo mando would be a sweet idea.
I assume you are talking about the front visor in the helmet. Couple of quick routes to go...

Get a welding faceshield and cut it out for yourself or look on ebay for I think it's Rembrandt-enterprises...Got my visor there, quick, cheap and nice!
If you're wanting to learn about how to create a custom Mandalorian, you've come to the right place. Well there's also Hero's, Villians and Mandalorians as well-alot of helpful folks at both places.

I suggest that before you go ahead and start buying things that may not necessarily work for your application. I've made that mistake in not knowing what is a quality prop and what isn't. I've had to buy and rebuy parts a couple times, wasting cash that'd been better suited buying things I needed...So do some reading and learn about the materials you'll be working with before you open the wallet-speaking from recent experience as I'm fairly new to this hobby also. Good Luck!

Get a welding faceshield and cut it out for yourself ...

Thanks! But will I see anything? 8)

By the way, how can I scratchbuild the dome of the helmet? I am in the design phase, but I search after something able to be easy drilled (a helmet with a built-in flashlight. not bad, eh?).

Thanks everyone. the armor templates are just... "époustouflantes!" (en français dans le texte):lol:
Thanks! But will I see anything? 8)

By the way, how can I scratchbuild the dome of the helmet? I am in the design phase, but I search after something able to be easy drilled (a helmet with a built-in flashlight. not bad, eh?).

Thanks everyone. the armor templates are just... "époustouflantes!" (en français dans le texte):lol:

There is a thread around here where someone scratch-built an entire helmet; the top dome part was fashioned out of a baseball helmet and some bondo.

Here it is: linky
Well, I resume:
- the templates, OK
- the trashcan armor, OK
- the helmet dome, OK
- the front visor, OK.
Good! now I'm ready to work!

THANKS EVERYONE, pics will follow... if my mother don't discover it! (yes, I know, it's hard to be a fan when your mother HATES Star Wars...:facepalm )
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