
Well-Known Hunter
I wanted to try my hand in making these, but I just want to know the diameter of the circle. After that, I'll just scale everything according to some ref. pictures.

If anyone knows, I would appreciate the info.

Thanks secol. I'm going to make a vector image of the emblem as close as I can to the MoM pics. That graphic from the link came out to be 1.84" round. Is this the right size?
It seems too small to me. What do you guys think?

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VashDstampede wrote:

That graphic from the link came out to be 1.84" round. Is this the right size? It seems too small to me. What do you guys think?

Way too small. By my calculations using a known scale reference, it is either 2" or 2-1/16" in diameter.
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*Eyes wide with exictement* OOh, OOh. Ely is making more stuff, Ely is making more stuff.

Form an orderly queue, people.

Let us know how it goes, dude. If they're any where near as good as the skulls, you'll have a lot of people interested I'm sure.

Any idea on timescale and price?. I gotta get me some o' those bad boys. Your work rodks, dude.

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Thanks BF, I'll probably make both sizes just in case:D
. . . and Han Hunter. . . soon very soon;)

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Here is the outline of my digitized emblem on top of the ref. pic I used. The circles don't match because I made them symetrical (unlike the one in the pic.)
I'm thinking of doing a clean version, and maybe a weathered one, I'm not sure yet.

Any suggestions would be helpful.
This picture got stretched, but hopefully you get the idea:D

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Lookin good there VashDstampede. :thumbsup:
A weathered one and a clean one would be cool, gives people a couple of options.(like the ROTJ and ESB shoulder decals, which are simply Awesome ;))
Be sure to keep us updated on this project.(we are also very interested :D)
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OK, here are some test prints.
I'm still working on how to make the weathering look better.
This is a tough one, but hopefully I will be able to do it.
I'm also going to fix the registration on this so that no white around the blue will show and that the wheat fits exactly. The last one was sprayed after printing with an almond spray paint.
Any suggestions, especially regarding color ( I think the blue should be darker)?
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I also think the blue should be darker. Hope you do both a clean and a dirty version but I think the weathering sjould be done as you paint and weather the chest armor.
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The blue on the ref. pics look a little more on the purplish side, I think the weathering is what makes it dark.
Maybe I should just make it slightly weathered (as in the last picture) to make room for more of your weathering, once you put it on the armor. Any more suggestions?
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OK, I think I'm going with this route (first picture) for the weathered version. You'll have to add your own weathering with spray paints, I made a sample at the end using black and almond paints. I have also mixed a new blue, which I haven't printed yet. I will post pictures of them when I get the finals done.
How do they look?
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I think it's looking great VD. I like the way the first picture is slightly weathered.
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