Cheek Greeblie Orientation: SOLVED! Measurements posted!


Well-Known Hunter
::EDIT:: Measurements posted below in my latest graphic

To those of you that bought one of the Borden dental connectors recently... Is there a certain way to orient the connector on the helmet? I think I can "eyeball" the positioning of the 3 holes on the connector in relation to the rest of the helmet, but what about where to drill the hole in the helmet?

Are there certain "X" mm up, and "X" mm back, then drill "X" sized hole..." instructions anywhere? I figure I can guess. I like the position of my current resin cheek greeblie, so I could drill the hole in *that* location... Just don't want to mess up my $$$ helmet by not drilling the hole in the right place to begin with, ya know? :)

Thanks in advance for the help! :D
The connectors have to be mirrored, in other words cut off the bottom half and use that side as the one that shows on the helmets exterior. As far as hole size, I might just eyeball it and if it's too large that's where my skill with bondo will come in.
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I think I've got the hole size figured out. Now I just need to know the location of the greeblie on the original helmet.

Did anyone measure the distance (with lasers) during the MoM exhibits? It'd be nice to know how far, say, the center of the greeblie is from the bottom edge of the helmet and the right mandible so it could be oriented in the right location, or at least reasonably close to it.

Like in this graphic I just made up:


Or am I just being overly "anal" about this? Just thought someone would have an idea, since as a group we've been much *more* "anal" about details much *less* trivial than this one. ;)

If all else fails, I'll try to scale it in Visio, since I know the dimensions of the real greeblie. :)
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I just eyeballed mine and it looks about right. I would say if you want to be more precise you could zoom in on the picture you have until it matches the size of the dental piece and the helmet, then measure the distances you have marked.
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Using Visio, I scaled the greeblie in relation to the MoM pic I have (posted above).

The results:


The measurements were determined by Visio, and not by me. I simply told it where to measure from (as indicated by the points of the arrows).

Hopefully this is something that will be helpful to others in the future. :)
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The only problem with those measurements is it is for the MoM helmet as you have pictured.

Because of the vast size difference in buckets, If you used those measurments to place that part on either 95 reg DP vs. MH vs. MSH2 it'll more than likley be in three different spots on all three buckets and none will be where they need or supposed to be because of the difference in bucket sizes for those locations.

It may be to high and to the right on one bucket and may be too low and and to the left on another , etc..... because of the bucket size.

It would be best just to eyeball it to get it right.

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Do anyone have pics of your installed cheek greeblie on your helmet? I got my connector a little while back, but I'm not installing it yet, but I noticed that it is large to apply in the helmet (like almost an inch deep or less).

Do you had to cut the connector somehow or install in your helmet in some way? That's why I need to see pics of it installed from the inside (like the one from the MoM exhibit and the Ref CD, but from YOUR HELMET.

I haven't installed mine yet in my MSH2, I'm still trying to figure out how to cut it down so the cut off piece will be an even thickness.

It has to be cut down so it can be reverse installed with the cut end facing out so that holes are in the proper orientation to the real helmet.

hmmm.... my helmet (MSH) was based off the AoSW helmet, which is the one that Natty used for measurements, right? Instead of the MoM pics, all I have to do is scale the greeblie in the AoSW pics and I'll have the measurements I need for *my* helmet!!! :D

More to follow once I get new measurements! :)


New AoSW (MSH) measurements! :D


I've changed the other graphic (2nd pic in this thread) to reflect that it is for the MoM helmet. :)

Interesting how the measurements on the greeblie positioning varied from MoM helmet to AoSW helmet, though not by MUCH...

Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

I haven't installed mine yet in my MSH2, I'm still trying to figure out how to cut it down so the cut off piece will be an even thickness.

It has to be cut down so it can be reverse installed with the cut end facing out so that holes are in the proper orientation to the real helmet.


I've got a bandsaw attachment on my ShopSmith, but I have 2 concerns: 1, the cut won't be "even" (flat) enough, and 2, that I'll lose a finger trying to HOLD this little piece while cutting it! I bet it'll get HOT too! :eek:

I might just install it as it is... Drill a hole, and glue it in from the inside of the helmet. :facepalm
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It will get hotter then heck trying to cut it. I'm afraid of it coming out wedge shaped trying to cut it as well. It will be next to impossible to try to sand it flat and even if it did.
I too am thinking of leaving it as is, only us dudehards "may" notice. :p
BTW, I re-recalculated the measurements for both helmets (AoSW and MoM). The new graphics and measurements appear above in the pics that I replaced (you may have to refresh to see the latest pics). :)

Looks pretty similar between the two helmets.

Lynn TXP 0369 wrote:

It will get hotter then heck trying to cut it. I'm afraid of it coming out wedge shaped trying to cut it as well. It will be next to impossible to try to sand it flat and even if it did.
I too am thinking of leaving it as is, only us dudehards "may" notice. :p

Are you going to drill a 3/8" hole and fill in any gap there may be, or drill, say, a 1/4" hole and sand until it fits?

I haven't decided yet. :facepalm
Well, mine is fitted in.

I took and cut 1/4" off of the connector part with a hack saw and it cut fairly easily, it is made from a soft brass.

I then filed it down with a big file to make fairly flat.

1/4" thickness seams just right for the MSH2 as just a little but is exposed inside and out.

I drilled the hole slightly oversized since I didn't have the correct size bit and I'll just fill in any gaps around it.


Baddblood wrote:

Wanna cut mine for me? :p
What did you secure it with, while cutting so that it didn't move around?
No, mine was enough for me.. ;P It is one of those things you do once and never care to do again.. :lol:

I took and secured it in a bench vise by the large part of the connector that is flat so it would sit tight in the vise.
I just used a regular hack saw and cut it trying to keep it even.

I still cut a little wedge shaped, as I was afraid it would, but I was able to file most of it down by hand with a large file to get it more even.

When it is installed in the bucket it needs to be cocked a little to make it look even on the outside.

There is noting cooler than having the real thing in the bucket. It just looks cool.

Had to post a big thumbs up for all this at your fingertips info. and such an AWESOME search engine that TDH has! I knew the info. was here,just a basic search and was at my fingertips...... :)

After all is said and done I PROMISE to get a digital camera so I can show you guys what I've done in the past 5 years of collecting and assembling my ESB Fett :)

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