Cape grommet


Active Hunter
I've been researching the ROTJ cape designs by TK409 and Brak's Buddy and they're very well done, particularly since this item is one that we don't often see very well in reference photos.

There are small differences in the two capes, though, notably the attachment grommet location. I just picked up a cheap US Army half-shelter and I'm ready to start working on it, so I was wondering if anyone had any opinions on this. Is one grommet location more screen-accurate while the other is more practical? Does it even matter? Am I obsessing over something that nobody is ever going to notice? :lol:
The cape actually was attached several different ways through-out the movies, so I don't think it's a big deal. Mine is on the corner grommet and the cape is triangle shape. You don't want it to hang much further past your waist like superman or something, maybe above the knee some.
I made a button hole in the corner, like TK 409's ESB cape, cause I was always satisfied with the way that was attached, but I sewed my ROTJ cape using Brak's measurements and stiching details... only trouble is now I know the stitches should not be off-white but plain simple black...

well myn is just cheapo synthetic, not even the right colour of green actually, but I haven't been able to pick up an army shelter somwhere...
Ok I just found a post by TK-409 from way back when he originally made his cape, and he says that it's just his own design, whereas Brak's Buddy's cape is based off the MOM ROTJ version. They both look fine, though.
Well, somewhere on here is a post I did showing the different locations of the cape in the movies. It switches places a lot in Jedi, during the Skiff scene.
I know the cape itself changed position throughout ROTJ, but the design of the cape wouldn't change from scene to scene. I'm nowhere near worrrying about attaching the cape to the costume, I'm just trying to decide how to actually make the cape.

This thread has a pic near the bottom showing the differences between the two capes:

Not to take any business away from TK-409, whose work is excellent, but Brak's Buddy's design is more accurate, according to their statements.
Well, bought one of TK409's and it should be here soon. I was going to make my own, but realized I had more important work I could be doing on my costume. I don't really think it will matter how 100% screen accurate any cape is because I dont think anyone would walk up and point out if a hole is in the wrong place, :lol:
I agree 100%, BobaN00b, this isn't that important. But don't we all obsess over little details that nobody is going to notice? It's like a prerequisite for this hobby. :)
Saturniid19 said:
I agree 100%, BobaN00b, this isn't that important. But don't we all obsess over little details that nobody is going to notice? It's like a prerequisite for this hobby. :)

Actually, I am one of the few that doesn't, lol. i say if it looks decent and you are happy with it, you got it. I dont really care if 3mm from the left side of the right knee there is a small scorch mark, with a silver tint. I just do it the way I like it. :lol:
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