Does the ESB cape have a stripe down both sides?

Regarding the aimed length of the cape, which in reality is actually a half poncho intended to be worn across the chest in the rain/weather, I want to further reference another suit that was specifically made by Joe Johnson, and as such shows very similar build traits overall

That being PP1




For PP1 they cut the poncho to end just above the knee pads when worn. And it is my belief that Joe cut the ESB poncho to be roughly the same length. And ESB’s weathering patterns on the shins being heavy up until above the knees would seem to possibly also support this.

For my tent halves I originally ended up with a size of 31.5” x 45” and 28” x 44” while trying to preserve the most material from both panels of the pup tent. But after setting up the MinuteFett lineage armor on my 6’0 mannequin as an actual test, Ive decided to cut the length down to 40” long, which gets the effect of the poncho ending just above the kneepads.

Given this, I think that a more realistic target of 30” x 40” is probably what was likely aimed for on the original ponchos/capes, possibly across all the suits, and Im pretty happy with this now


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Thanks. I've ordered a reproduction one from What Price Glory. It says it's cotton duck so hopefully it'll be somewhat ok. A bit of general roughing up and we'll see what it looks like.
Keep in mind the weave type is just speculation. No one really knows, and I found the plain weave performs pretty similarly to the twill. The evidence that twill is correct is very thin for the moment, and mostly up to interpretation or personal taste.
Looking at the the green cape on exhibit, it's definitely twill.... ESB was highly likely to be as well, plain works just as good
Looking at the the green cape on exhibit, it's definitely twill.... ESB was highly likely to be as well, plain works just as good
We don't know the distribution of plain weave to twill weave during WWII, so we don't know what the likelihood is of randomly selecting one or the other when walking into a surplus store 40 years after the war ended.

In any case, the point is, do not despair over plain weave.
Got a replica half shelter from What Price Glory. As usual it's difficult to get the correct colour representation as it just changes in the light. This is with overcast conditions so quite white light. I'm thinking somewhat ok?

Gave it a wash which took some of the colour out of it. It just changes depending on the light. It's green! It's beige! It's pea greenish beigeish!

How much do people hem it on the edges?
Decided to go for it with the repro shelter. Gave it a wash to get some of the colour out before some cutting:


Then get the pins and iron out to hem it before the sewing machine. 1/2" hem all around and put in a ring to mount it with:

Masking tape and then on with the Archive-X Rust. I needed about a bottle and a half in the end.

Then dry, take it to the laundromat and gave it a wash and a go in the dryer:

And the final result:

I'm quite happy with it. Definitely an easy job and hopefully with the repro shelter it'll be easy for people to do. Thanks to Ord Mantell, Convergence Prop, and everyone in here. Look forward to taking this out tomorrow.
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