Cannon or not ???


Well-Known Hunter
Is 'cannon' considered any costume that appeared in the proper Starwars films?

if this is the case then ppl could do an ESB Fett without the jet pack. In the scene where Boba is following Han Solo on the way to Bespin, he is sitting down and does not have the jet pack on. surely this means that this look is cannon.

what are your opiniomns?
From my time with the 501st, I believe canon means that it was seen on screen in one of the six SW films. If I'm wrong I'm sure some of my fellow 501ster's will correct me.
A lot of the LFL event's we do are canon, and that means if you can't point to a scene in a film and say "That's my character" then you would not be able to participate.
I have been to very few event's where a Boba had no JP, but I doubt it would be accepted just because of the scene where he is flying the Slave I. ( it does look a bit odd seeing a Fett with no JP.)
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I think that cannon means ended as the movie, but not exactly. On the other hand screen accurate means exactly. It is what I think. :)

For example with the draws:

It's screen accurate

It's cannon;)

Returning to the topic, reads the post of below. Jejeje
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Incorrect. Cannon means a really big gun that shoots large projectiles. ;) :lol: Sorry, it had to be said!

Seriously though, Boba Fett without a jet pack is not a costume accepted by the 501st for membership because its an essential and signature piece of the character. The only reason Fett didn't have his pack on in that scene is because he was flying Slave I and couldn't wear it. Are you planning on joining and then just driving all over the place in your suit? ;) :lol: :lol:
I have argued against the 501st's stance about what is allowed and what is not for a long time because the term "screen accurate" is often used. Webchief finally made it all clear to me last weekend when I was in Boston. What the 501st is looking for is NOT screen accuracy, but signature traits. For example, when MOST people think of a sandtrooper, what are the first few things that come to mind.... backpack, big gun, pauldron, dirty. If we were going for absolute screen accuracy, not all of the sandtroopers had backpacks, not all had pauldrons, and not all had big guns. However, those are the stereotypical (or as webchief more tacfully termed it: "signature") traits of a sandtrooper so that is what the 501st wants to see because they want the public to immediately be able to identify a character. I think the confusion comes in when someone says the 501st wants screen accurate costumes. That term should not be used because it is misleading. The 501st wants stereotypical characters, and I have finally been able to see the reasoning behind it.

In regard to a backpackless Fett, I say, build a giant, mobile Slave I cockpit around yourself and send in your picture! ;)
It is a cumbersome concept the the cream of canon must coincide with the cumulative character of our screen crafted creations. In truth, the 501st concept of canon doth continue to create a deal of consternation.

What I mean to say that the word "canon" originates from the word for a measuring stick. In other words, it is a term to indicate what a costume is measured against.

The 501st "canon" includes the Expanded Universe and is not limited to only what is seen on screen. A comic based character like my Jaster Mereel and my Jodo Kast are indeed "canon" by 501st standards. There is however, an "old guard" who still believe that it must be a screen seen rendition otherwise it isn't canon.

All of that having been said, I agree that Fett should always require a jet pack. The funnt part is that I have had a number of comments on my packless Jaster inquiring why I have skipped the jet pack. The signature Boba look is being confused to make it the signature look for all mandos.

The Boba Fett costume I am working WILL have a jet pack to be sure.

p.s. I really, really like Webchiefs concept of "signature" as it is the only thing that makes sense of the 501st's costume reqs. :cheers
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The best Ive seen "Cannon" and "screen accurate" defined is:
"screen accurate" is exactly like seen in the movies
"cannon" is anyone that sees the costume will know what it is provided they have seen the movies.
example an FX stormtrooper suit is cannon but not screen accurate.
Wish I remembered where and who I saw post this originally.
I guess I'll make a comment, hope it doesn't offend anyone. The 501st has its standards for the reasons already mentioned. Following those standards is what makes the 501st the best at what we do.
Yes Boba should have a backpack. My backpack won't be done for several months. So I won't submit pics to get my BH designation until then. Will I still troop non-canon events in my Fett? Oh yea.
I guess my opinion is with no jet pack its kinda half done, and even though the jet pack -to me- is the second hardest part to /build/purchase it just isnt complete without it.
Incorrect. Cannon means a really big gun that shoots large projectiles. ;) :lol: Sorry, it had to be said!

Seriously though, Boba Fett without a jet pack is not a costume accepted by the 501st for membership because its an essential and signature piece of the character. The only reason Fett didn't have his pack on in that scene is because he was flying Slave I and couldn't wear it. Are you planning on joining and then just driving all over the place in your suit? ;) :lol: :lol:
It also irritates me when I see sandtroopers without jet packs. If you look in the movies, the only sand troopers who don't wear jet packs are the ones that are being thrown around. Obviously they didn't want the stunts to happen with the pack on.
I've always enjoyed the look of the sandtrooper uniform except for one thing: the dirt.

As a former military bandsman, my units were always required to be 'spit-and-polished', parade-ready for every formation. I would like to think that the Mos Eisley squad commander would at least want his troops 'white' every once in awhile for inspections and parades. Since that is not the 501st norm, I decided not to pursue the sandtrooper costume. If I go white, I'll do the 'Death Star' TK, and keep my uniform parade-ready.

Sometimes all that Army training gets in your head...

I've always enjoyed the look of the sandtrooper uniform except for one thing: the dirt.

As a former military bandsman, my units were always required to be 'spit-and-polished', parade-ready for every formation. I would like to think that the Mos Eisley squad commander would at least want his troops 'white' every once in awhile for inspections and parades. Since that is not the 501st norm, I decided not to pursue the sandtrooper costume. If I go white, I'll do the 'Death Star' TK, and keep my uniform parade-ready.

Sometimes all that Army training gets in your head...


not to get too off track but i'm always irritated with sandtrooper costumes that are shiney white. Dirty 'em up! if you are gonna do a sandtrooper, do a sandtrooper, if not leave the pauldron and backpack at home.

and now back to your regularly sheduled thread.
But that's my point. They're not called 'sandtroopers' anywhere in the movie. They're just troops, garrisoned at Mos Eisley. They've got specialized equipment for that particular mission, just as our troops have specialized equipment in various parts of the world (flak jackets, goggles, knee pads, etc).

We have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we don't call them 'sandtroops'. They're just 'troops'. And even though they don't have to stand inspection every morning, I'm sure there are times when they're asked to be presentable.

The difference (to me) is that the SW troops are garrisoned in a sizeable city with proper housing, and therefore should have access to cleaning materials...including water, metal oil, and Novus plastic polish. :D

I mean, come on...they're weren't always dirty. They were nice and shiny on their first day. :)
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We have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we don't call them 'sandtroops'. They're just 'troops'. And even though they don't have to stand inspection every morning, I'm sure there are times when they're asked to be presentable.

When I was in Kuwait we were required to clean our boots and make sure our uniforms were clean. With people sweating all the time our uniform tops would get salt stains on them and that was not acceptable, they needed to be washed, and our boots are made of suede and the knap needed to be lifted after all the sand and dust that got ground into them.
But that's my point. They're not called 'sandtroopers' anywhere in the movie. They're just troops, garrisoned at Mos Eisley. They've got specialized equipment for that particular mission, just as our troops have specialized equipment in various parts of the world (flak jackets, goggles, knee pads, etc).

We have troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, but we don't call them 'sandtroops'. They're just 'troops'. And even though they don't have to stand inspection every morning, I'm sure there are times when they're asked to be presentable.

The difference (to me) is that the SW troops are garrisoned in a sizeable city with proper housing, and therefore should have access to cleaning materials...including water, metal oil, and Novus plastic polish. :D

I mean, come on...they're weren't always dirty. They were nice and shiny on their first day. :)
Psh, calling them Sandtroopers was just a reason to make more action figures :)
It could be argued that the dirt was ground in damage from sandstorms and what not, and thus could not be repaired or cleaned. Plus...remember that Mos Eisley was the most wretched hive of scum and villainy in the galaxy. Any troops that were stationed there could easily be corrupt and or lazy and did not care about military appearence. Clone or not.

Also with Tatooine being an Outer Rim planet, they were probably not subject to constant military inspections from Officers stationed on Coruscant.

Plus...It's a movie. And you have to suspend disbelief in all movies. That's how Keanu Reeves was able to jump a bus across an unfinished chunk of highway. He just suspended disbelief and drove faster than 55 mph. That's all it takes, after all.:)
all i'm sayin' is that to be 'canon,' 'screen accurate,' or to have the 'signiture' look you gotta have the dirt. I have no argument that in real life that the troops stationed there would have their armor clean sometime, or even in the Star Wars reality they would clean it eventually. As we see them in ANH they've had a long day, they lost and went looking for 2 droids who went in different directions, they've been bending down to pick up pieces of said droids to follow their path (any of you guys with trooper armor tried that?:lol: ), riding on the backs of giant lizards, blowing up a sandcrawler, killing 2 farmers, setting up road blocks, and asking people about their droids. That's a pretty exciting day for a garrison stationed on a backwater planet on the outer rim.

oh and btw thanks for your service all of you who are or have been in the military. You deserve all of our thanks and praise. :thumbsup:
I've always enjoyed the look of the sandtrooper uniform except for one thing: the dirt.

As a former military bandsman, my units were always required to be 'spit-and-polished', parade-ready for every formation. I would like to think that the Mos Eisley squad commander would at least want his troops 'white' every once in awhile for inspections and parades. Since that is not the 501st norm, I decided not to pursue the sandtrooper costume. If I go white, I'll do the 'Death Star' TK, and keep my uniform parade-ready.

Sometimes all that Army training gets in your head...


Well, something caught my eye when they re-released the original trilogy in the theaters for the Special Editions back in the late 1990s. I hadn't noticed it much on my TV set, but on a huge theater screen I could see it quite well.... the normal ANH Stormtroopers had black smudges all over them...aka: weathering. Therefore, even the "clean" Stormtroopers were dirty! Meaning, if someone is wearing a prestine white Stormtrooper costume (which they all base off the originals they first saw in ANH), then even they are not canon unless they lightly dirty their "clean" trooper up!
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