Bucket Audio


Active Hunter
Ok peeps, I have read through a ton of posts and still can't decide what to do.

I have the Hyperdyne unit & RS amp. Both have a 9v attached. What mic do you guys recommend and how could I intergrate the 2-way radio in the mix?

Is that a Hyperdyne Vortex you're talking about? I basically am using an inexpensive RadioShack microphone. What are you trying to do with a 2-way radio ... have both your audience AND you be able to hear your voice amp, have your audience hear your voice amp and you be able to hear what they say back via a headset, or both?

Regardless, I have the Hyperdyne Vortex, and I can say I have wires running everywhere! Thank heavens I have enough costume components to cover it.
BTW ...

Ok peeps,

Who's "peeps?":lol:lol::lol:

Whoa ... never thought of this one before. So I take it the other troops will have radios. Here's my best guess at how to do this. Run you mic line down to the input on the Hyperdyne, then run the output wire over to the transmitter. I hope you have a separate line for the receiver ... just run that line to your headset. If you don't have this, I have no idea how the Hyperdyne will respond when the flow is reversed.

Now that's a lot of wiring and electronics. I can tell ya how you can hide allof this. I have all of my wires tucked under my neck seal and then run under my vest to my ammo belt pouches. I keep my speaker in one pouch and my Hyperdyne in the other. I then run the connecting wires between the two under my ammo belt. That way, nobody can really see all of the wire work.

Hope this helps.:cheers
Why not contact Hyperdyne and ask them? They are very helpful with all questions concerning their product.
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