BoochmaN's ROTJ WIP

Looks great Booch!
Looking forward to seeing it all put together and painted up. Once I upgrade my pack in 2021, I'll also be on the hunt for these.

Thanks man - much appreciated! You’re almost done and already talking about upgrading...what a life we live, huh...? Hahahahaha!
We’ve had a late season warmup lately in Upstate New York, and I got ambitious and unpacked my airbrush. I made some space on the workbench (still haven’t really unpacked from our move), and went to town. I masked the damage during lunch and sprayed tonight. I then hand painted the red sections on the directional knobs/ activation buttons on the thrusters.

While I was at it, I took out my beacon and mixed up some dark blue. I hand painted that section of the beacon, and will sand it back to match screen references. Not bad, and not much more is left to paint, just the rocket and base! I also got some white rivets from my dad that I’ll install with everything else at some point.

Once everything is together, I plan to do a pass with my airbrush to get some general shadows, but the bulk of my grime will be done with acrylics!

Hey everyone, I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving! Far from normal here in upstate NY, but a nice break from work to hang with family and get things ready for when the new baby arrives!

I found some time to dremel out all of the mounting locations for the greeblies and found parts on the Jetpack. These are NOT attached yet, but my plan is to use some type of instant fixative (Krazyglue) to set the stuff in place, and then use JB weld from the inside of the pack to make sure these don’t move. This is in addition to installing any screws or bolts that are needed for the parts.

I am very happy with how this thing looks, and it is totally my favorite part of the build! Unfortunately, I might have to wait until spring to spray the rocket cause the snow is starting to fly here!
Thanks Lazerjock - I fabbed up your 3D printed parts too. Added a dowel to the thrusters and an eyelet so that I can attach a bungee thruster to thruster (pics to follow).

I also had a mishap with the rocket tho...I had to glue it back together.
I had several mishaps with my rocket. As a result I beefed yours up, but clearly not enough.
I drilled small holes in the thruster mounting post and use a small bungie to make sure they stay seated. Sounds like you are doing the same thing. Lol
Well, I officially have COVID. Not fun, but I also have a positive case with more mild symptoms, so I am able to sleep comfortably at least!

Anyways, while quarantined I decided to finalize the girth belt by sewing the strapping on. I hand stitched these and used some adhesive as well to reinforce the Covid-stitch job...I will use my soldering iron to make the holes for actual fitment.

I also made a big decision. I have been planning to attach the armor to my vest by utilizing the grommet method. However, I love the idea of the locking clutch backs, and the flexibility in placement that the method provides. So I will go that route, and the issue is that my armor already came prepped from Fettpride with plastic bolts attached. I cut the bolt lengths off, and left the heads attached to the armor.

When the clutch backs come this weekend, I will dremel out a spot through the bolt head, and epoxy the clutch backs in place. Then proceed with placement. Sounds involved, it’s not...

Stay healthy, friends!

Well, I officially have COVID. Not fun, but I also have a positive case with more mild symptoms, so I am able to sleep comfortably at least!

Anyways, while quarantined I decided to finalize the girth belt by sewing the strapping on. I hand stitched these and used some adhesive as well to reinforce the Covid-stitch job...I will use my soldering iron to make the holes for actual fitment.

I also made a big decision. I have been planning to attach the armor to my vest by utilizing the grommet method. However, I love the idea of the locking clutch backs, and the flexibility in placement that the method provides. So I will go that route, and the issue is that my armor already came prepped from Fettpride with plastic bolts attached. I cut the bolt lengths off, and left the heads attached to the armor.

When the clutch backs come this weekend, I will dremel out a spot through the bolt head, and epoxy the clutch backs in place. Then proceed with placement. Sounds involved, it’s not...

Stay healthy, friends!

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On NO!!! Please stay safe and make sure if the symptoms get worse you get to the doctor.
At least you are well enough to take advantage of the time and work on Boba.

Your girth belt is looking good. A scouring pad will take the paint off the buckles with little effort and not damage the chrome finish.

My armor uses locking clutch pins. The only issue I had is once one caught on something just right to unlock it and it fell off. I bought mine backs on Amazon in a 40 pack so there are plenty of spares. That is a minor inconvenience compared to the ability to move the armor around.
Here are the locking backs I use:

We dont know each other well, Booch. Barely even by all standards. But I always enjoyed your balanced contributions to the forum, even before I created an account.
Stay safe. And keep those around you safe. Get well.
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