
Active Hunter
I am new to bondo. I put it on my knee armor and cod piece...

I now have a lovely cake frosting look all over my knee armor and my cod! How do I smooth it out? It a looks a like a sheet....(cake!)


D'oh, bondo doesnt like sintra at all, it turns it into mush underneath and never really recovers unless you put 5 coats of primer on it first.

I totaly ruined my first sintra cod piece I was trying to fill in the gap in front and build it up so it was smooth. didnt work to well, it crackled in 1000 different places when it dried etc etc.
hmmm. So it is a lost cause then? My knees and cod took forever to make! I am pleased with my chest armor, but I may need to buy a set of knees and a cod. Send a PM to let me know where a good, nicely priced cod and knees can be found. Thanks man!

You cant put bondo on to thick, or it will never dry. esp sintra, because its so flexible, crap dude that sucks, it all goes downhill from there, i had to toss mine cuase I tried to fix it and it got worse.
Is the bondo hard? I have never had it react to sintra so it should have set up OK. The only way to get a smooth surface at this point is to get out some 80 grit sandpaper & a sanding block & go for it! Step up grits to 220 before you primer & it should be fine.
I dunno what happen to mine, but it could be the same problem he is having. the bondo cracked all over, and wouldnt set up. I thre it like a boomerang across a field lol
there is hope? My lungs hurt from last night from trying to sand with 200 grit - did not wear a mask (yay, lung cancer!). I have to go get some narly sand paper then. It took me 4-6 hours to make the cod and knees...I do not want to repeat. Thanks BKBT!

bigkidbiggertoys wrote:

Is the bondo hard? I have never had it react to sintra so it should have set up OK. The only way to get a smooth surface at this point is to get out some 80 grit sandpaper & a sanding block & go for it! Step up grits to 220 before you primer & it should be fine.
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