blue or greenish??


Well-Known Hunter
I think many of you would say I have fallen to the darkside... I'm going to change my ESB Fett into a ROTJ one..
gonna buy some new parts and repaint others.

one of those repaintable items is the jet pack... now I have a few pics from Brak's Buddy... but uhw... is the jet pack greenish or blueish??
my gut tells me its blue, but my Unleashed figure has it's jet pack that exact green like colour....

wich one is the way to go for 1:1??

jetpack colour.jpg
Jango's kid said:
NNNOOOOOOOO!!!!! Say it ain't so!!!:lol: Your ESB was looking so good too:cry

:lol: lol, well its not THAT good... I just want 1:1... dead on, and with the aosw en mom pics that is a possibility. (I can paint... if I have good ref material..)

perhaps someday when money starts growing on my back I'll make another Fett... ESB :lol:

I do want to make atleast another ESB bucket, but after the ROTJ bucket...
think I'm gonna have to improvise a little though... My Jet Pack is a Bradley one, and especially the center stripe looks a little to thin to fit on all the weathering you see on the AOSW pics...

first sanding it again ofcourse, then some primer and then I can get to work...

blue it is then... thnx people.

IF you have too do it, then blue is the colour to go with. IF you have too... :p

Progress pics! We want to see progress pics!

<------- ESB Fett is the best! :p :p
will do people, I actually have a digi cam now so... well that should be interesting.

I'll make a new thread when I get started, keep an eye out for it in the jet pack section, something like : ESB 2 ROTJ conversion... blasfemy...
cal196 said:
what made you change you mind?

the availability of ref material for the most part.

i'm getting a new armor set soon, and I want it to be top notch.
not improvised at all, just 1:1, I know I can get close...

the custom weathering on my current suit is still the biggest nail to my coffin... I mean it looks nice, but its not accurate at all...

And well... gives me something to do :lol:
I must say... the ROTJ jet pack has always appealed to me... looks like a challenge :jet pack

Just an observation, but you'll notice that all the greens look more pronounced in the photo on the left from your above comparison. From all the ROTJ pics we've seen, including the Prepro, the color certainly appears to be blue.
I agree,, its just the picture,, look at the colour difference in the helmets. I beleive these pictures were taken at 2 different shows. Could have been the lighting that effected the picture.
I agree,, its just the picture,, look at the colour difference in the helmets. I beleive these pictures were taken at 2 different shows. Could have been the lighting that effected the picture.

nopes, it's the same show. Art of Star Wars.
tylerdurden said:
Just an observation, but you'll notice that all the greens look more pronounced in the photo on the left from your above comparison. From all the ROTJ pics we've seen, including the Prepro, the color certainly appears to be blue.

This is so true....notice the back of the helmet as well. It's why I made my ESB more of the blueish tint rather than green. The jet pack we KNOW is blue....

Not sure how I missed this thread the first time,but it definitely makes me more confident in the rear of the ESB helmet being more blue from those pictures.

I think I'll save it:)

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