"... based on original blueprints..." my ass!

His response to me:

"thank you for your comments i think your time would be better spent washing your anarak or maybe trainspotting than insulting other peoples work if you are not interested in this item i would appreciate if you would not waste my time with your petty emails. the replica was not based around the webly gun but a much earlier concept design!! have a nice day"

So of course, I replied:

"I am absolutely not interesting in purchasing your 'prop'. My interest lies with the eBay community, and with those would might be duped by your deceptive description. You told me this item was 'based on an earlier concept', but your ad states the blueprints were used 'in the film'. Sorry, pal, but now you're back-talking. By the way, you've become a laughing stock over at the Dented Helmet, a forum for those prop collectors who know a replica Fett rifle when they see it.

And by using sarcastic language in your earlier response, you've ticked me off just enough to go ahead and report your auction to eBay. With luck, maybe you can change your user ID yet again. :)"
Can you believe that attitude! Get's caught out and STILL tries to cover his back! Just goes to show eBay can be a great place for parts, but you need to keep your wits about you at all times.
OMG! That is just too funny. Im just jelous because I couldnt glue some PVC together and paint it.

He has no Webley Skills.....

I just emailed him too. If anything TDH keeps people honest on Ebay when it comes to props. LOL
Now, don't be so hard on the guy! Maybe his kid made this in kindergarten and he is just *SO* proud, he had to share it with the world! Either that or he was drunk. I'm not sure which. :lol:
Its shamefull the way that these guys try to get people to part with their hard earned money for crap. The deception that is written into the discription is appauling. I feel sorry for anyone who buys this.
Just a suggestion, I wouldn't mention the address of this forum to a scammer such as him, a while ago a RPF propboard member posted a link to the RPF in his Ebay auction and now the rules have changed drastically because many studios are now aware of the RPF.

I'd also hate to find out later that the guy joined afterwards and tried to profit from all the Dented Helmet's Talented Artists research and hard work.

My two cents...
A little late for that now, as I've already sent the above message. I did report the auction to eBay, but nothing (that I know of) has been done as of yet.

However, if he WAS interested in disrupting the forums, I'm sure he would've already come in and tried to defend himself. As it stands, his auction didn't sell, so now he's stuck with the 'prop'.

I noticed he also had a Batman Returns chest emblem, going for almost $100 USD, but 'those in the know' know where to get better quality stuff for half the price.

I think this individual is just desperate to sell of some stuff, and is willing to take a chance by falsifying his descriptions, hoping to catch someone unaware.
I have a half eaten popcorn ball, I think I'll spraypaint it chrome and auction it as a thermal detonator from original blueprints......hmmm....say $450 starting bid???? Any takers??? No???? Awwww...com'on...plllleeeaase? LOL.....ROFL
I see that piece of crap blaster has been relisted with a much lower starting price. I doubt he'll get anyone to buy it still. Did he change his user name again?
DellisTantor said:
I saw that POS, and even considered buying it.

Good thing I didn't.

Well his asking price HAS improved but given his... shall we say.. inaccurate claims about its origins, I wouldn't trust him on anything else! The thing may fall apart the moment it arrives, for all we know. If he dropped the price by another factor of ten (£1500 to £150 last time, so £150 to £15 this time!) then I'd buy it but otherwise... nah!
I'd much rather pay more (and actually am) for a good quality FG blaster from people I know I can trust.
take action on this guy, his ebay needs to be suspended for violation of contract terms, i hate to see (well itd have to be someone retarded...) buy this and get scammed. his buy price is 2k something us dollars.. its full of shite
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