Barcode's ESB Build Thread

New parts in! And a minor update. My cape if out to get sewn up. Once it returns I’ll work on the length, stripe, and battle damage/weathering.

Found Parts Shin tools.

Roman Props EE-3 Flash Tube.


Michael's Sienna acrylic paint for my cape stripe.

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A few updates!

Girth Belt:

I ordered a new girth belt. I just gotta start over. When I dyed my current belt, none of the dye took over the wood stain. RIP. Once that is in I'll order a special dye from RIT or something. Still looking into that issue. Still lost.

Once I have my cape back from sewing I'll damage the bottom, weather it and paint the stripe.

Shin Tools:
I placed my order with Wasted Fett. Once those arrive I'll get started on them. Seems pretty straight forward with that write up here on the forums.

Other than that, just waiting on parts.... Drooling. On the forums almost every day. Re-watching anything Fett related on T.V. Looking at build threads.
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So my Wasted Fett/Viva Fett armors have arrived. They were shipped directly to Fett4Real so I cannot post any pictures. He is going to get started on my kit soon. I'll get pictures during the process to post. Looks like I just need Mike M's gloves, boots, Pulce40 and holster then I should be close.

I placed my order with WastedMetals for the rest of my metal parts (Helmet ears, Guantlet expander, darts, Jetpack stabilizer, collar, beacon, thruster greeblies, attachment hooks, dental file, and knee darts) Ideally I'm hoping to get the entire Fett complete by 2023 MegaCon in Orlando. * Fingers crossed

Girth Belt:

So I decided to just start over with the Girth Belt. I might have someone stain it for me. More to come on that, I have not decided.

Shin Tools Parts:

Got my WastedFett (Wasted Metals) Shin tools parts and Borden connector in. I can get started on my Shin tools build process. I'm going to have Fett4Real paint/weather them.

Jetpack Harness Kit:

Got my BigDane kit in. Very nice stuff!

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Finally made some progress. I had my cape re-sewn so there is not any black stitching. Taped it off for the stripe paint and added some damage on the bottom. Painted it and I'm really happy with my results. I just need to add the hole for attachment.


Back side taped off.


Painted on my front porch to dry.


Completed front.


Completed rear.


Girth Belt:

So here we are on my final attempt to make one myself. I've spent about $200 on belts and stains with no luck until a member said "Dutch Chocolate" Minwax. So that is what I went with. At this point I'm finished trying to get this the correct color. I have no idea why providing that information is gate-kept in the community. All good either way.

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Finally made some progress. I had my cape re-sewn so there is not any black stitching. Taped it of for the stripe paint and added some damage on the bottom. Painted it and Im really happy with my results. I just need to add the hole for attachment.

View attachment 232060

Back side taped off.

View attachment 232061

Painted on my front porch to dry.

View attachment 232064

Completed front.

View attachment 232065

Completed rear.

View attachment 232067

Girth Belt:

So here we are on my final attempt to make one myself. I've spent about $200 on belts and stains with no luck until a member said "Dutch Chocolate" Minwax. So that is what I went with. At this point I'm finished trying to get this the correct color. I have no idea why providing that information is gate-kept in the community. All good either way.

View attachment 232062
Looks great. I used flat red primer from Lowes after attempting to dye ect. The flat red primer dries reddish brown/brownish red depending on the light. Super easy too

I received a few parts and have gotten to work on some stuff. My WastedFett (Wasted Metals) order went straight to Fett4Real. I need to mail him a few parts that I have here at home. I'll post progress pictures of everything getting painted as Dom goes. I finished my cape and will finish off my boots soon. Pictures to come. I'll get started on my shin tools since I just received my Flight Suit from Arkady. I'll also start to weather it.

Man of War boots. I'll weather and attach the spikes this weekend.


Flight suit! Carole is a goddess. <3


Deltaworks ESB ammo belt. I thought that I posted a picture when I got it. Amazing quality work!


Added some weathering to my cape. Front.




Attachment hole.

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