Aussie hose connectors... (gardenmates)

Dustin Crops Boy

Well-Known Hunter
Well - i got my friend in Australia searching all over for more gardenmate hose connectors...

I told him to try and pick up a dozen of them for me. So far he's been able to find me 3 (at a grocery store, no less :facepalm ). He's still searching... and wont stop til he gets all 12.

Once i get them from him - i will sell them for $50 for the pair. (hey, they cost about $20 ea plus all the shipping from there and to you...)

Stay tuned... once i know he has them - then I will have a sign up list for 6 of ya.... but before then - don't ask :)
how wide should the holes be for the tubes to fit in on these hose connectors?

Let me know!
That doesn't look like it would be that difficult to make actually... hmmm....

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

Stay tuned... once i know he has them - then I will have a sign up list for 6 of ya.... but before then - don't ask :)

*Waves hand frantically!* ;) Aww... you take all the fun out of it DCB! *pouts* ;)

Yikes... that is all I've got to say! This costume is not only difficult... but expensive!!! Maybe I shouldn't be such a perfectionist... I dunno... :D
the center hole of these and my other sources conclude that the hose is 1" O.D.

I'm seeing if my friend can order them online - since we can't (being in the States)

I only told him to get 12 - because i have to pay for these upfront - and i don't want to be stuck with ANY.. and i figure there's about 6 of us that would buy them. (I already have mine)
Sounds good!

Just a thought..
Have you considered making castings of yours or would that not be a good idea?
I found something today as a base for my hose connectors. I'll get you pix when I have made them. The hole is 1" wide to fit the tubing and looks like the proper thickness for the project too! YAY!
this is the hose we were going to use originally, but it was too expensive to cut up, and my resin casts of it were too in-flexible to work in the time alloted.


it's from Kim's bubble spa.

It seems to be about the right size for those hose connectors at least...

Shouldn't the tube spacing between the rings be just a little bit wider? From all the reference pix I've seen it just looks that way...
i see bubble spas all the time at thrifts. i almost bought one the other day - as they're near perfect - but the hose was a bit too big and didn't have the indention between the ridges... :facepalm the search continues...

Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

Well - i got my friend in Australia searching all over for more gardenmate hose connectors...

DCB - I'm in New Zealand and we get a lot of Aussie gear here (except their beer, 'cause it's watered down and undrinkable) :D I'll keep a look out for you and let you know if I find anything. Phil
This just in from my Aussie friend:

Now, about those doodads... (the hose connecting things) I had a squizz in
K-mart today, and while they didn't have that particular brand of hose
timers, there was another brand with similar connectors... but not the same
and grey instead of black... BUT!! I saw some separate connectors, just by
themselves, and they were black and look DAMN close to the ones you're
after... I'll keep looking for that brand, but if I can't find any, I'll be
happy to buy up 10 of these separate connectors ("Pope" brand, if that means
anything) at $3 each, as opposed to $25 for the timer... the separate ones
have the four nubs, and there's about nine little ridgy things between each
nub, and I bet someone IS counting so don't tell me no one cares how many
bumpy bits it's got! I read those other posts.... *G*

I pointed her to this board, so that's what she means by "I read those other posts" :)

Any interest?
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I saw some separate connectors, just by
themselves, and they were black and look DAMN close to the ones you're
after... I'll keep looking for that brand, but if I can't find any, I'll be
happy to buy up 10 of these separate connectors ("Pope" brand, if that means
I think "pope" = Toro Pope, same brand dallas is getting for the timers.
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Dustin Crops Boy wrote:

i guess i'll be stuck with a dozen timers soon.... :(

Did your friend already find 10 and ship them to you? Could you tell him not too? Ship them back and have him return them for his money back?

I don't know if the $3 ones are the exact same ones as the ones you found with the timer. If they are close, I'll be happy but I know some of you are going for screen acurate.

My friend is heading home to visit her family for the holidays so I won't hear from her in awhile.
he's been going all over his town - to a variety of stores trying to find them all. He has not sent them yet - but to return them to each of the stores now would be a big pain in the butt.

I couldn't do that to him. he was nice enough to spend all that time collecting them up - i wouldn't even think of telling him to forget it.
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