armor of Shukod Keldab


Active Hunter
Shukod Keldab was born to a fisherman and his wife. They raised him as such, his father also teaching him the Mandalorian language and traditions. His life was a peaceful one until their seaside hut was invaded by a rogue group of Mandalorians, his father refused to pay them protection money, and so they had come to collect. His father, mother and twin baby brothers were slaughtered in front of his eyes. The Keldab clan took Shukod in and raised him through the entire clans influence. He was taught in all walks of life, but spent most of his time with the warriors. Here he excelled, driven only by his rage and lust for revenge. Upon turning 13 he passed his rite of passage, at 16 he collected his first bounty for the glory of the clan. Now he hunts only to pay for his obsession in tracking down his family’s killers.
Here's the story that goes with the armor.

This is my new variant project. progress pics to come tonight.
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the red is over top of a coat of silver. Eventually the whole suit will the the black like the helmet with red trim. This is not to be my personal armor but another person's. Really interested to see what sort of flightsuit and vest this goes on though.
Skirata was really helpful! I can't wait to receive it!

I'm going with a either dark gray or black jumpsuit with the regular Jango vest. Already ordered some stuff to customize as weapons, and got a handle on the other armor pieces. :D
Here are the progress pics i did today since i had the day off. I got the backplate and the knees 90% done. There are still a few tweaks on the paintjob I need to make.
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Your armor is done, packed and on it's way tomorrow. please post pics. If it were mine, I would visit the auto parts shop and look at pinstriping to really customize it more.
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