Anyone making gloves for customs?


Active Hunter
I'm looking for someone who can make gloves for me. I will supply the fabric(once I find my color purple). Thanks
Not to hijack, but what type/color of material does everyone normally use to do the backs of the normal BF gloves?
Look up a guy on eBay that goes by slave1. He makes the most movie accurate Fett gloves. I've purchased several pairs from him. They are expensive, but what isn't when it comes to this hobby?! :D You'll be very happy with the quality of them.

John Barrows, Jr.
Hey everyone, heres what I did..

Find white/offwhite cotton work gloves. They run about 4-5 bucks at wal-mart. Pick up some black rit dye about 3 bucks) Get about 1 gallon hot tap water, Add 1 teaspoon salt, 1 table spoon black dye. Mix well, dip gloves in the dye for about 5 seconds (A semi-dark gray, very nice)Let drip dry. Then just stitch the white fabric onto the top of the gloves.. It is very easy to do and cost very little considering what some people charge. Hope this helps everyone.. If you need further instructions or perhaps a better guide, or pattern to use for the white fabric let me know. PM me
That was exactly the way I'm doing mine. I finally decided on some satin material and used the backside of it. They look really good for the time and money I have in them.
Slave1 does customs if you send him the fabric you want to use. He does great Jodo gloves as JK3 and I have discovered!

TK-1776 wrote:

Look up a guy on eBay that goes by slave1. He makes the most movie accurate Fett gloves. I've purchased several pairs from him. They are expensive, but what isn't when it comes to this hobby?! :D You'll be very happy with the quality of them.

John Barrows, Jr.
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