and this is MY new ammo belt


Active Hunter
Like I've said before, this one's a mega cheapo version.
Made from a 5 dollar belt from a second hand store, about 3.50 worth of vinyl and some blue packing foam...(to pad out the pouches)...that I found in a dumpster where I work.
It's at
Let me know what y'all think
The good thing about it is that the pouches slide onto the belt, so I can turn it from an ESB to and ROTJ version as the mood takes me :-))
Don't ask me why, but I've always thought the ESB version looks nastier
Yup, Empty.
Is the album set for public viewing? I always forget that.
Robert E.
Nice work! The size and proportions of the pouches seems exactly right. I'm not familiar with the ESB suit, but do the pouches have white stitching along the pouch flaps like the ROTJ pouches do? Can't wait to see it dirtied up! Congrats!
Yeah, the belts size and proportions look great! :thumbsup:
I'm pretty sure the ESB pouches have the white stitches so you may want to add those but other than that, it looks great.
Keep up the great work. :)

BountyHunter185 wrote:

Yeah, the belts size and proportions look great! :thumbsup:
I'm pretty sure the ESB pouches have the white stitches so you may want to add those but other than that, it looks great.
Keep up the great work. :)

Both versions have the stitches on. Other than that, that's a nice looking belt you have there, I love even looks better than the one I have!

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