Aluminum ESB Flame Thrower Interest Thread


Active Hunter
I was going to wait until I had the first one finished, but I thought I would go ahead and see if any one is interested in one of these. This one is for a member here and should be done this week. I still need to mill the middle and end pieces.
Anyway, just seeing if anyone is interested in something like this. If this snags on someone or something its NOT going to break like a resin one would :lol: .
This is an interest thread, post here if you wold like one of these. I'll start an "official" list if enough people are in.




That's a big "Yes!"

Wow! That looks incredible! Put me on the list please!!!!
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Price is a Big factor here but I am interested IF it doesn't cost as much as one of those machined missles. Theyr'e beautiful and all but....
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I'm in put also on the list,they look fantastic!!!!But what is the price range on a set of those bad boys.
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They will come fully assembled and ready to "Beat-up" to your taste.
As far as a price, the more people that want one, the cheaper they will be :) .
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Anyway, just seeing if anyone is interested in something like this. If this snags on someone or something its NOT going to break like a resin one would :lol: .

Oh you must mean this, :lol: , put me down as a possible depending on price
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Yes, that looks really good right there!:thumbsup:

I gotta say one thing ... with multiple other threads elsewhere about the flamethrower that actually shoots flame, I initially thought that you were selling one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:lol::lol: That is until I opened the thread.
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