All-Star Boots

Ion Cannon Gunner

Active Hunter
Has anyone ever tried making some boots out of some Converse All Stars?
They seem like they would work.
If i can do it, what kind of fabric should i use?

I'm sort of on a low budget and cant really afford much.

I'll post some progress pics on my bucket soon.
i've been keeping my eyes open for a pair of old school canvas high tops as well lately. i had the idea to use them as boba boots as well.
I made my first pair of Boba boots from the canvas all stars. I used canvas fabric to cover the the top of the shoe and put a zipper up the back. I had made a second set for someone and used velcro up the back.
Check out walmart for a cheaper,but still good,alternative to the all stars. I found some there for like $10.00
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I have been looking around for the right boot to use, and so far I have come up with either the Clarks Desert Trek, Desert boot or wallabee. The only problem is that the sole is a natural color and not white.

I am sure there are other boots that can be used. The urban brands sometime make interesting but useful boots.


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I made my first boots out of a pair of Converse All Stars. I squared the toe with plumber's putty, and covered the shoe with fabric and piping. I covered the sole and the edge of the fabric with some rubber mastic tape I painted off white. The spikes are sharpened nylon bolts and a piece of styrene. The only $$ part was getting a zipper sewn in, about $80 at a shoe repair store. I'll be selling them soon as I'm almost done with my Jango Wes boots.

I've got a pair of these. I think they may be discontinued but I think they would be fairly easily convertable...


They're called Topo Rail Chukkas, by Merrells.

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I just posted a pair in the cargo hold made from a pair of leather some time and make me an offer.
while I realize this is an old thread I at least used the Search button.
was thinking when these come out they will be a great base for the boots.
What do you think?
they are due out sometime this month so reasonably speaking this year lol.
I never thought of using all stars, but all ways thought about using vans slip-ons for a leisure shoe. I know they are not accurate but for walking around can't be beat.
All last week I thought and thought about using a pair of chucks as they are pretty much my favorite shoe to wear...I was wearing a pair at the time...started searching found this thread and all but just didnt think it would be worth the hassle of making a decent accurate looking shoe. the toe area for one the extra rubber would need to be shaved off, the toe squared off and some sort of canvas material so it looked right added over toe up to the tongue, and then the piping added, and the ankle area would need something done to make it look right as well...It totally could be done, if you had alot of patience which I do but just dont wanna hack a pair of chucks up...Im gonna try evolutions boot out and if they fall apart or whatever I may do a pair of chucks into boba boots...I know I could do it just really think it would take a good amount of time. Alot of little detail work, but like someone said comfort at least theyre comfy for me.
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