a new addition.. in the works


I came up with these sketches..
my idea for my custom mando JP :)


and I've decided to re-work the color scheme a bit.. and I'm adding more design to the armor.. especially the helmet...



what to you think?
thanks ;)

yeah, at first I wasn't planning on a JP at all.. but I figured I'd take a shot at creating one and see how it goes.

I plan on stenciling/painting the design on my helmet tomorrow.
Going with a bone white. I will also age/burn/slash the soft components.. age the paint job and what not.

I'm going to wear it this coming weekend.
Of course I won't have the JP done by then.. but the progression into my mando-metamorphasis will have begun.


---and yes.. progress pics will soon follow.---
You should add the Distinctive red light, jk. Your upgrade on the helmet came out to look excellent. I cant wait to see how your jet pack comes together.
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