Any Nemrod Holster Dimensions?


Active Hunter
Hello, working on a scratch build. I could use a few dimensions of a real Nemrod holster. I checked this site can't find info, have not heard back from people I PM'd,nor can I find info actual holster dimensions on-line.

I'd like to know:

1. How long it of from the from to the back of the tube thing.

2. How wide is the flat segment width at front and back (meaning the section where the knife sheath is removed.) Measured from a flat surface that the holster's back is resting on.

3. Also. what is the diameter of the tube.

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Thanks much. I had not seen Art's conversion images. They clear up some mysteries. I did start with tool guy's pepakura file. It seems to have the size nailed down, but not all the details. Some one said the holster has some "weird geometry." It sure does, but I think I have a pretty good build going. Will post images in a few days.
Toolguy did mentioned in his thread that the pepakura file is a simplified version of his holster model, but it's good start for scratch build.
Still working on this. Never did find a dimension of the tube. Used a 3/4 PVC pipe.


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Hi SPY007. I actually picked up this Nemrod holster a few weeks ago. I'll be happy to provide measurements if you still need them but I'm a little unclear on some of your descriptions. Perhaps it'd help if you marked them somehow on a photo or something?


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Nice find, Thanks for the offer. The tube thing that sticks out... what is its diameter, inside and out. If my build is way off I maY make another, Here is what I made...


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Dimensions? Got it painted. May buff down the shine, but damn shield is in the wrong place.


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Cut that boy up JGattonII !!
You better bet I will be, BudaFett! I just have to finish up my EE-3 first...and then maybe a helmet or so (I actually have 3 unfinished scratch-builds sitting within eyesight of me right know)... but who knows what else may spark my interest!?! =)

Nice find, Thanks for the offer. The tube thing that sticks out... what is its diameter, inside and out. If my build is way off I ma make another, Here is what I made...
Thank you SPY007. Unfortunately, I don't know an easy way to answer your question so I've tried to provide enough information to hopefully make up for that!

The first thing to keep in mind is that the internal shape of the holster is irregular w/ various ribs & protrusions (seemingly designed to help center/secure the speargun) which would need to be taken into account. I've tried to highlight two of the key ones in the second picture below.


With that said, I thought that perhaps the easiest way to give you some type of measurement would be to shove a few different-sized tubes inside to see just how big I could go without causing the holster to deform in any way. The pipe I ended with had a 27mm diameter and is pictured below; note that it is being cradled very tightly between the two parallel ribs (where the only one visible is again highlighted in red).


Just for kicks and giggles, here's another picture where I'm shining a flashlight down the tube to highlight how tightly it's fitting.


Lastly, in case it may be helpful for this build or another down the road, I wanted to provide some reference to the upper portion of the holster's general shape. In short, I cobbled together a template based upon a cross-section of the holster as indicated below in red.


Here you can see where the finished template was inserted into the holster for reference. I mean, it's not watertight or anything (especially given the hole I included to make it easier to remove) but it is at least fitting snugly enough to stay in place on its own. At any rate, I then scanned the paper template to my PC and used that to create/attach both a png file as well as a pdf



Thank you, this is all helpful. The metal tube in the holster helps on that part. What I'd really like to know is the diameter of the rubber tube that is molded into the holster/sticks out the back end. Widths of the 2 straps would be great. What a strangely designed holster.
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Ohh! Ok. I mistakenly thought that you were asking for the diameter of the area surrounding the spear gun's barrel. Apologies for that.

The tube you're describing appears to have been designed to hold an air pump. The exterior portion of that tube is approximately 33mm wide and the interior is approximately 23.5mm. My tube is so warped that my pump doesn't seat completely, but I'd imagine that the tube *should* stay large enough to accommodate the 20.3mm threaded cap at the end of the air pump.

Approximate strap widths are as follows:
  • Looped one at the very top of the holster = 30mm
  • One that snaps around the backside of the speargun's grip/handle = 26mm
  • Two that secure holster to leg = 18mm
This is a huge help. THANKS. The PVC pipe I used was only 3/4 of an inch. That's a half inch off.

2 more questions:

When the pulce is in the holster, does it lay flat, or does it rest against the tube?

Does the tube taper as it goes to the front?

Thanks again.
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You're very welcome. I'm glad I could help with the earlier questions b/c I'm not sure I'll be able to provide anything of value for these two...

When the pulce is in the holster, does it lay flat, or does it rest against the tube?

Unfortunately, I do not (yet) own a Pulce so can't provide a definitive answer there. For what it's worth, the holstered Clipper Mini lays flat w/ about 6.5mm between it and the tube as shown in the picture below.


Does the tube taper as it goes to the front?

By "to the front" do you mean like option A or option B illustrated below??


If option A, there appears to be a slight taper to the exterior portion at least. While the top is approx. 33mm in diameter, the bottom is closer to 28mm. See pictures below for reference.


If option B, there are no pronounced areas of tapering that catch my eye or anything but I have absolutely no idea how to measure that to confirm due to the irregular nature of the holster. If you have any ideas, I'm all ears though!

Thanks much. This thing has so many weird angles and curves. My assumption is/was that the top rear flap thing drooped with age on these.
I found a 1,25 inch tube, but I would have had to start from scratch to make it work.I used a 1 inch tube. looks better, but lost some of the taper at the front. I've been so OCD on this, I will probably make another with two sections of tube...Thanks again.
You're very welcome. Going through this measuring bit with you has me wondering about the 3D model support available for this piece. I've only performed a quick search yet didn't come up with anything that seemed overwhelmingly close to the original piece (such as including this tube section that we've been discussing).

Do you have any idea whether something like that exists? Or perhaps a better question would be: if something like that existed would it be - or at least have been - helpful for you?

The 'wonkiness' of the curvature would certainly present a challenge to replicate - but I'm feeling tempted to give it a shot if there are indeed few-to-no other authentically-based 3D references readily available.
My assumption is/was that the top rear flap thing drooped with age on these.
For what it's worth, my holster's flap is straight as an arrow. The warpage on mine is actually most prominent at a point roughly inline with the upper leg strap holes - like perhaps it sat upside-down on something for years before making into my hands? I mean, I'm presuming that this is not an intentional design feature just due to the limitations it causes for the air pump (as-in it can't bottom out like it should since it gets stuck in the curve).

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