Yes...another scratchbuilt jetpack thread NOW MORE UPDATE-IER!


Well-Known Hunter
Just thought I would post up a few pics of my progress and see what everybody (anybody?) thinks. Here goes...







The plastic was a Freebie! An old sign from work. I have been using superglue to tack pieces in place and then I would lay down a thick bead of Goop Glue on the insode seam. The Goop seems to react somewhat to the printing on the sign and make a crazy strong bond with no roughening up of the plastic at all.

I am a lttle further than this right now...starting to putty some of the lines. The last pic has had the top hastily "painted" with MS Paint to make it look a little more like the other plastic.

Also the right fuel tank has been replaced so that it looks just like the left one. The 2 inch PVC just wasn't working out to the right dimensions. I found some Finch feeders that were perfect at Meijer's. Just had to pop off the top and pop out the bottom and fill them with expanding foam to make them sturdy.

I'll keep updating this as I go, but I seem to keep jumping from one part of this suit to another as I start to lose interest in one area and gain interest in another. I always go back to one area, though... (sooner or later)

Lemme know what you think!!!
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Whoa ... that jet pack has words on it!!!!!!

Very nice job there! Got two questions for ya:
1) How heavy is it so far? (I've asked this question of quite a few people now for statistical reasons.)
2) How tall is it (from bottom to top?)
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Got the bottom vent done (Modified vent from SingleSeat's laser cut pieces(shortened the fins a little)). Couldn't get the plastic to bend to the right shapes for the hole in the bottom, so I used several pieces of plastic to make the inner walls then used putty to hide the seams. Then I poured a small amount of resin in the bottom to give it strength.
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Column piece for the center tank.

Here is the backside to show some of the "Goop joint welds" and the steel bar I'm using to reinforce with.
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Nice job. Just getting started on one myself and it is an inspiration to see how yours is coming along!
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Quick update pic...

Roughing in the center tank side pieces for the left side. This is a quick fit of the pieces pre-sanded...
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"You've come a long way, baby!"

Here is how my pack looks now. I still like to sit back and look at it and just think about all the work put in to get to this point. Still a lot to go, though!
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Here it is with the center part primed and just a couple of very minor fills left. Next I will start work on bondo and putty work on the side tank housings. I still dont have the center column actually attached yet as I will wait until I have the upper tank part finished.




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Latest update...

Got the left side tank housing bondo and putty work done except at the bottom where the tank cap will go. I have to wait until November to make the caps and rocket. That's the soonest I can get access to a lathe :( unless I break down and buy one for myself :) . Here ya go...


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Sweet pack, I have to start mine soon and will be watching yours closely. Keep the pics commin.
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