Why Temura and not Daniel?


Active Hunter
If rumours are true why is Temura playing Boba and not Daniel? Seems a bit strange as Daniel's physique is very similar to the Boba we know. IIRC Temura is quite well built unless he has slimmed down since AOTC?

Strange decision, but probably moreso an acting one. If I were Daniel I'd be a bit gutted though.
When you say the boba we know which one do you mean? Boba has a good 4 or 5 inches over both of them. That doesn’t really matter with hollywood cameras though.
Well, Daniel played his clone as a kid but when he's grown up he should look like Temura and not like his older version, right ;-) ?

Besides it's probably just a gimmick anyway for one quick scene where his helmet gets lifted for a second...
If rumours are true why is Temura playing Boba and not Daniel? Seems a bit strange as Daniel's physique is very similar to the Boba we know. IIRC Temura is quite well built unless he has slimmed down since AOTC?

Strange decision, but probably moreso an acting one. If I were Daniel I'd be a bit gutted though.
Theres been no confirmation that he is or isnt playing Boba. Only that hes going to be on the show... He was literally all the clones. Boba as well technically would be him. So IMHO his VOICE should be used for Boba on the show. Just like Sam Witwer is the voice of maul for Ray Park in Solo.
There’s also a rumour that Timothy Olyphant has been cast to be the guy in the suit for Fett. Temuera Morrison, if he has indeed been cast, will more likely be in voice only or as an old clone trooper.
If rumours are true why is Temura playing Boba and not Daniel? Seems a bit strange as Daniel's physique is very similar to the Boba we know. IIRC Temura is quite well built unless he has slimmed down since AOTC?

Strange decision, but probably moreso an acting one. If I were Daniel I'd be a bit gutted though.

Like Fett 4 Real said, it's not confirmed Boba is coming back. It is fact that, according to John Favreau, the time line of The Mandalorian takes place 5 years after RoTJ. So Morrison is the perfect age, and the perfect voice to do a returning Fett, or an old clone. Frankly, in my opinion, Daniel Logan isn't a great actor for the role for a live action Fett other than his voice acting. I feel he wouldn't portray Fett right on the physical level.
Ehh.. I really don't get the hype for wanting Daniel Logan to play Boba other than some weird nostalgia trip. I hear hes a really cool dude and all... but realistically hes not remotely a great choice for any other reason than he played child Boba..
Then again I'm one of those people still butthurt over Jason Wingreens original Boba voice being replaced after 24 years with a Temuera's craptastic phoned-in redub, so what do I know
Ehh.. I really don't get the hype for wanting Daniel Logan to play Boba other than some weird nostalgia trip. I hear hes a really cool dude and all... but realistically hes not remotely a great choice for any other reason than he played child Boba..
Then again I'm one of those people still butthurt over Jason Wingreens original Boba voice being replaced after 24 years with a Temuera's craptastic phoned-in redub, so what do I know

Man, I agree 100%. The original voice had that Clint Eastwood aspect. The few times he spoke, he actually sounded like a rugged hunter. Now, all I can hear is random clone troopers speaking from a Boba helmet.
Temuera Morrison is clearly the more accomplished actor as anyone who has seen Once Were Warriors will recall.

That doesn't mean there can't be a place for the other bloke but if he was supposed to be an unaltered clone then how would they explain that he looks nothing like the original donor. Doesn't make sense. He'd have to be a bus driver, or whatever.
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There’s also a rumour that Timothy Olyphant has been cast to be the guy in the suit for Fett. Temuera Morrison, if he has indeed been cast, will more likely be in voice only or as an old clone trooper.
They said in Bobas Armor.... they didnt say he was Boba... the armor was found and some Cobb Vanth fellas been wearing it all half melted.... So I really dont think hes boba fett.
They said in Bobas Armor.... they didnt say he was Boba... the armor was found and some Cobb Vanth fellas been wearing it all half melted.... So I really dont think hes boba fett.

Maybe they will tie in some Twin Engines of Destruction story line where the real Boba shows up and/or is teased slightly off screen kills the imposter Cobb Vanth - just like Boba did to Jodo Kast (perhaps?)
“You don’t deserve that armor…Is it even real Mandalorian armor? Looks like something hammered out on a swindler’s forge. Besides…wearing a strong man’s armor doesn’t change how weak you are. Take his helmet off.” – Lorgan Movellan to Vanth

I mean the point could still stand. How would you like someone parading around in your armor after you "died" and even wearing your "face" lol? Boba may very well come back and claim it as his own again as I would imagine Boba's helmet might have just been Jango's that he repainted. Wish we got to see young Boba get his full set of armor in the Clone Wars series though.
A young Boba used Jango's helmet as an IED in The Clone Wars in an attempt to kill Mace Windu. Therefore, Jango's helmet no longer exists as it was blown to pieces when Boba was a teen/tween.

I know this is Canon now but this feels soooo wrong for Boba to blow his dads helmet to pieces... one of the most important things he has left from him - such a personal piece...

And probably the argument will come up that he is hardened by the clone wars, an unscrupullous bounty hunter etc... But I dont buy that... The way he was portrayed in episode 2 just does not suit him blowing that heritage up..... Just remember the scene where he gently held the helmet in the arena.
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