Where to find voice modifier and LEDs

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Migrate from As You Wish

hey Guys,

I'm new here, i was wondering does anyone make a fett helmet with working l.e.d.'s. And has anyone made a voice modifier yet? This is a great site and I'm proud to be a new member. I use to be on the a.s.a.p forum but I've been outta touch. I really want a good quality fett helmet and i guess I'll go with my costume from there. I'm sure i'll need more help on where to get my Jango armor later. well thanks for your time and any help is appreciated!

The Fallen Fett
Ah, welcome to the board. :)

For a sound-board, hyperdyne labs, you seek hyperdyne labs:

Check out example 3, and you should hear the Fett one. It's got a little extra something on it, but really Hyperdyne is the way to go.

And as far as L.E.D.'s go, yes there are a couple of people who L.E.D conversions, but I'll let them chime in. I don't want to speak for anyone. ;)
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Well actually, it's pretty safe to advertise this guy, as he offers services on his site:


I'm not a 100% sure he does the LED's, but he either does them or can refer you to someone.

As far as the helmet goes, E-bay is your best bet for now.
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hi guys

check out our UKG XO site, ive heard these at my last troop and several of the UKG members have these fitted in there ST suit.

The sound quality are is realy good also.

I getting one for my fett costume at our next trooper




uk-scout TB7290

OverKill wrote:

Wow!!! 400$ US for one of those voice alteration units...

That is some SERIOUS coin... LOL


I contacted Hyperdyne at the first of the year, and he said that the Gen1 units were gone and the Gen 2 units (about $530 US) were soon to be out of production too. Has he started producing these again? I was under the impression that Hyperdyne was out of the Fett voice modulator business... :confused

ukscout wrote:

hi guys

check out our UKG XO site, ive heard these at my last troop and several of the UKG members have these fitted in there ST suit.

The sound quality are is realy good also.

I getting one for my fett costume at our next trooper


I emailed him about the possibility of making a Fett voice modulator and he never replied. What he's currently selling is just a voice amp and "static box". I've already got a RS voice amp installed in my suit, and it's great. I'd just like the real-time voice modulator so I can sound like Fett too. :)
Check the ROM FX site again, J. you'll see some sound files which state what you hear ("look sir droids, etc).

there are 2 Fett quotes (What if he doesn't survive, and As you wish). The ROM FX unit has adjustable parameters to change the voice in real time and to add or delete the static burst, so this one can be used for Fett.

It's a good price too!

I don't have one yet, as I find I can get my voice low and gravelly enough, but if you did want one, this is worth a look.

I can sound like Fett, but it starts to hurt after doing it a full day at an event. Any kind of modulation help would be nice. I might have to check one of these out. :)
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