Where is the BOBAMAKER Vs. MS Thread??????


Well-Known Hunter

I am very sad to see this thread has been REMOVED!!!

Why?????:confused :confused ...for the most part it was a Good debate/discussion.

I am very dissapointed.:(

Why do we continue to HIDE and COVER up Stuff??????:rolleyes :rolleyes

MR bucket thread....Template thread etc......:confused :confused

Guys this is freaking STAR WARS stuff:lol: :lol: ...its not goverment classified stuff.
On the BM vs MS thread we had no PROFANITY...no PORN and nothing that anyone could view as material that needed to be deleted.

Everyone..please view debates/discussions and posting differences of opinions as things that are good for this site.....I cant see how any of this is BAD or WHY it needs to be DELETED or REVIEWED.

by the way I have held a BM bucket in my hands for 2 months and I have had a MS helmet in my hands at the same time...everything FP and Spidey brought up are the exact thoughts I had as I painted these buckets
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IT GOT PULLED....???????:eek: :cry :cry ...Just when we were getting some answers from BM...
WOW Unbelievable:angry ....this is very sad.
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Darthmiller ... Chill bro ! :lol:

You're a real high strung kinda guy aren't you ;) I used to be like that, had too many ulcers :lol:

Don't worry man, NOTHING is being conceiled, or hidden. No conspiracies.

The thread will be put back in place. The mods just pull it completely at times when reviewing it, or merging things into it. Don't worry about it :lol:

yes I am high strung at times...character flaw I guess

fettpride said:
Darthmiller ... Chill bro ! :lol:

You're a real high strung kinda guy aren't you ;) I used to be like that, had too many ulcers :lol:

Don't worry man, NOTHING is being conceiled, or hidden. No conspiracies.

The thread will be put back in place. The mods just pull it completely at times when reviewing it, or merging things into it. Don't worry about it :lol:


How about this ... I just pm'd you what my response was going to be right before it got locked. It will give you something to read in the interim ;)

Can't we all just agree that both the Marrow Sun and Bobmaker helmets are kick ass? I mean come on guys! I'm just sitting over here with my crappy o'l Rubies helmet, and you all were bickering about which helm was better. Persoanaly, I'd take any one of those heloms any day, regardless of which one is "better." Get along and stop fighting over the little things, thats how you make enemies, not friends...

tubachris85x said:
Can't we all just agree that both the Marrow Sun and Bobmaker helmets are kick ass? I mean come on guys! I'm just sitting over here with my crappy o'l Rubies helmet, and you all were bickering about which helm was better. Persoanaly, I'd take any one of those heloms any day, regardless of which one is "better." Get along and stop fighting over the little things, thats how you make enemies, not friends...


It has nothing to do with which one is better. I think you missed the point of the discussion. It was a question of integrity ...

I dont think it was a fight...just a healthy debate

I am just mad because I left work early ..got home in time to read all of the posts and then before I could chime in it was GONE!!!...made me crazy

tubachris85x said:
Can't we all just agree that both the Marrow Sun and Bobmaker helmets are kick ass? I mean come on guys! I'm just sitting over here with my crappy o'l Rubies helmet, and you all were bickering about which helm was better. Persoanaly, I'd take any one of those heloms any day, regardless of which one is "better." Get along and stop fighting over the little things, thats how you make enemies, not friends...

fettpride said:
It has nothing to do with which one is better. I think you missed the point of the discussion. It was a question of integrity ...


yeah tubachris85x..did you even read the thread???
Hopefully they'll put it back up for all to reread.:thumbsup:
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GCNgamer128 said:
I was only asking for opinions on the buckets ...

That's exactly what you were getting. It was civil. Thre was only one guy up there that was an antagonist. Otherwise, it was going the distance.

Well I hope it does get put back. I wasnt here for BM coming on again and answering questions. I sure would like to know what was said. And yes, it is kind of a fight. Marrow doesnt seem to get along with BM and FP, I wonder what you have to say on the matter of alleged MS2 recasts and the like? I think that some answers were gotten and should be common knowledge if the helmet makers themselves chose to share it. As long as BM stays as polite as hes been about all this I dont forsee a problem. Hope to see the thread back soon Admins.... and now we wait.
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