where i found a beautifull gauntlet ?

Dark Amon

Active Hunter
hi, i have a question : where i found a more accurate ROTJ gauntlet ?
If bobamaker make it, i think i buy it immediatly but he dont make gauntlet....
Being a newbie I have been doing a lot of shopping recently and I just found a site called starfortressproducts. I do not know there reputation, delivery reliability, but the ones pictured on the site are beautiful. Maybe one of the members out there can give us a hot scoop before we venture to a purchase with them
Being a newbie I have been doing a lot of shopping recently and I just found a site called starfortressproducts. I do not know there reputation, delivery reliability, but the ones pictured on the site are beautiful. Maybe one of the members out there can give us a hot scoop before we venture to a purchase with them

no, never. never sfp. you'd be lucky to ever get your stuff. and at that what is pictured.

Man of war makes a terrific set of gauntlets, but as of right now I don't know what order status would be. otherwise try ruffkintoy who makes vacc'd gauntlets (but can also use fiberglass upon request)

Thanks for the info on SFP. Just found a thread on this forum that states anyone but, you'll never get the stuff, if it arrives its the wrong size, and stay away and save money. Thanks everyone
SFP does nothing but suck. their colors are all wrong their kits break and ive seen a Boba Bucket up close.... id rather wear a garbage can than that.."thing"... ive invested my money wisely.. thank you BM...
Well I am still waiting on a ROTJ blaster since Nov of 04 From SFP. so theres a little bit of advice for ya. Stay Away.
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