Where do i start when making a fett costume (im new to this)

I started with the soft parts. That way I wouldn't just get the "cool" stuff first and end up not finishing it lol. What version are you planning on going with?
Are you looking to make most of it yourself, as in are you going to prep and paint the helmet, armor, jetpack, etc.? I know a lot of folks on here take that on. I don't know a lot who try sewing their own soft parts. I'll adjust what WaggleZ said above about starting with the soft parts. I'd say order them first as they'll have the longest lead time and require customization. Hard parts don't typically have as long a lead time as soft parts but once you get them, you've got a fair amount of "fun" work to do to get them ready while you wait for the soft parts. There's literally a tutorial on how to do EVERYTHING somewhere on this board or bobafettbuilders.com so start with the version you want (ESB, ROTJ, etc.) and look through some completed build threads to see how their journey went. Don't look at Ord Mantell threads though, his builds are too good and too realistic to be followed :) Good luck!
Also don't be afraid to ask stuff even if it sounds straightforward. We are all like-minded folks with a passion, Everybody is super helpful and the best builders are on here sharing their work. Oh and don't expect to finish your Fett in 1 week. The Fett costume is a difficult beast but super rewarding once complete!
Im planning to make the ESB version of boba also i kind of want to do a mix of making it myself and parts already made.Also what is a soft part?Thank you for replaying.
im planning to make the ESB version of boba also i kind of want to do a mix of making it myself and parts already made.
You are in the right place then. There's an abundance of folks on here that focused on ESB. I think it's the most popular so you should have a ton of information. Next thing you have to decide is what level of accuracy you want. Are you trooping and want 501st approval? Are you building it for a display on a mannequin? Figure out what you're good at, what you enjoy doing and go from there. I found out that I'm pretty decent with an airbrush so all of my Fett's are painted by me. Can't sew at all so all the soft goods are sourced. Even with the soft goods, there's work to be done like painting (boots) and weathering (all soft parts) so there's still the decision to source complete or raw and finish yourself. The journey is super fun and digging into the Fett lore and details is the best part for me...aside from the awesome community you're now a part of!
Thanks again for the reply! I am going to do the soft parts first. I'm also planning to make it accurate but not so extremely just good enough accurate because this is my first time making a fett costume. I been looking into jumpsuits up on amazon and walmart. any good ways to do girth belt.
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Well IMO the first thing you may want to do is establishing the budget you wanna spend on your build. I don't want to scare you but along with Vader, Fett is known for being one of the more expensive SW build if you are looking for screen accuracy.

Depending on your abilities, you may decided to do some element by yourself to reduce the global cost.

When I started a year ago, I decided a 2500 € budget would be enough for my build and I managed to stick to it, but again I did a lot of thing myself. You can see the progression here if interested. If you want to poursuit this hobby for years, be aware that you may want to buy again what you first choose for low price reason.

The cargo hold section can aslo be a good opportunity to get some second hand elements.

Personnaly, I started with the helmet. Most iconic element, and I know I would keep it even if I would have decided to not finish the build process.

Welcome to the hunt ;)
Thanks again for the reply! I am going to do the soft parts first. I'm also planning to make it accurate but not so extremely just good enough accurate because this is my first time making a fett costume. I been looking into jumpsuits up on amazon and walmart. any good ways to do girth belt.
girth belt is pretty easy. Just find a rider girthbelt at someplace like Girth belt and find one of the threads here that shares how to dye it with wood stain, paint, etc.
Thanks for the help! im making my amor out of cardboard.Im also starting with the helmet. What do you think on buying the black series fett helmet my only worry is that the colors on the armor and helmet with match.
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The black series ESB helmet is a nice toy. I would have dream of having it when I was 10 and was playing to Be Boba Fett with a motocycle helmet. But it has plenty of issues if you aim for accuracy. You will learn plenty on this BudaFett thread here to help you made your choice.
1) What is your goal? 501st? Just for fun?
2) What is your budget? (That might eliminate your goal)
3) Which Fett? ESB? ROTJ? SE? Post Saarlac? Repaint? BOBF?
4) Join a forum for that build and start networking to find material that will accomplish your goal.
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