What's the best way to get paint OFF a helmet?


Active Hunter
First of all, I love my bucket and the guy who painted it did a tremendous job. BUT, the more I look at it the more I'd like to get the white spot of paint off the cheek:


I've heard of a product called T-cut that removes paint but I can't find it anywhere in Canada.


(If this is an old topic, by all means merge this topic to a more suitable home.)
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I was hoping to find a product to remove it as I think that would look better than painting over it. I think I'll just leave it as it is for now.

only reason I say leave it alone is because I have been in so many situations with this costume where it just wasnt perfect to my liking, and I tried to make it better, and it got worse then tried to fix that and it got worse and worse untill you wished you never had touched it.

cal196 wrote:

only reason I say leave it alone is because I have been in so many situations with this costume where it just wasnt perfect to my liking, and I tried to make it better, and it got worse then tried to fix that and it got worse and worse untill you wished you never had touched it.

Don't I know it. What's that expression? The enemy of good is better?

Well, if you are VERY (and I do mean VERY) careful, get Jasco. It will eat paint off of anything, BUT, if using on a bucket, leave it on for NO MORE than a minute or it may eat through your bucket. I use it for removing the factory paint off of guitars to take them down to the wood.
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