Welsh Bounty Hunters' New MS1


Well-Known Hunter
Here's Welsh Bounty Hunters' new MS1 ESB 'screen version' helmet. I told him I would post some pics with the scratchbuilt earcap, so here they are. Eifion, it's boxed up and ready to ship.





That's the helmet you bought from me not too long ago, unpainted of course. Super paint job! I need to have you paint my second MS_1.

AFettFullofDollars said:
Here's Welsh Bounty Hunters' new MS1 ESB 'screen version' helmet. I told him I would post some pics with the scratchbuilt earcap, so here they are. Eifion, it's boxed up and ready to ship.
MAN! AFettFullofDollars that is a true work of art!:thumbsup: Make sure you packaged it good, I'd hate to hear that the USPS damaged it!
WOW :eek: :love

I want one too! :) Great looking helmet, does it get any better?
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:eek: Wow. . . what can I say Paul. You have done an incredible job on this helmet :thumbsup: and I really cant wait to recieve it :thumbsup:

For years and years I've wanted a definitive version of the ESB Boba helmet and being the perfectionist that I am I just wasnt content with my warped unpainted DP97 lol.

As with so many other examples displayed on TDH, this helmet is one of the most accurate ESB paintjobs I have seen here and it looks like a milliion bucks (albeit heavily weathered and battle scarred million bucks lol). What particularly appealed to me about this helmet though was the great effort Paul went to replicating the "screen version" and the layered paint method just adds so much authenticity to the paintjob. As i followed affo$s' progress thread and knowing it would be up for sale, I just knew I had to make an offer.

I kinda feel guilty for not having an attempt at painting the ESB colour scheme myself especially given the dedication and enthusiasm displayed by so many here to have a go themselves and with amazing results.

However, I do have a wonderful bobamaker helmet still which Im determined to have a go at painting. . .probably white pre-pro but I might try a ROTJ.

Many thanks once again Paul and I look forward to see this work of art in person.
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