well, here we go. Pacx's Progress.


Scuy'Cuy Gar, Vodes!

Well, the time has come for me to post my work.

I haven't finished the painting yet, but i will have soon, as some of you may have read, it's gonna be Sev (RC-1207) style, blood everywhere. I cant wait till its finished!!!

Enjoy. honest opinions, please.



Really good to see you came on here. If you need any help or advice we are here to help.
Your armor looks really nice ner'vod. What did you make it out of? Is there any particular reason why the shoulder bells are right up against the knees? Are you trying to show something with that? But it looks good. I look forward to seeing more.
And show us a picture of your verpine!!
(Just so you all know, I know Pacx in person so I know he has a verp. but he has never shown it to me. :(
Very nice! What is it made out of?

The backplate is really well formed! Excelent work on that!

And just an FYI, the plural of vod is vode. no need for the extra s on the end. :D

Nevu: Thanks for the compliment! I'll be waiting for the help. I'll be needing alot, and I dont say that lightly.And no, there isn't a particular reason for the knees against the shoulders... I guess my mando wants to be a contortionist when hes ready :P

A'den: Thanks! It's made of Sintra, and I cant really take full credit for the backplate (or the cod), my uncle did that for me *blushes*

And thanks, I've been studying Mando'a for a while now (...thanks Nevu...).


EDIT: I remember why the bells were up against the knees!! it was to show the roundness of them but they woulndt stand up, so i used the Bells as a stand!
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Lol what did I do to help with your mando'a skills? Well you used to not like usign mando'a so I guess you could say I got you to start using it :D
Just some friendly advice, he since you want it so badly, I might sudgest rounding off the bottom of the cod piece, cuz that is probably going to hurt when you wear it and sit down....

You introduced me to the world of Mando. Now I live and breathe mando.
Yea, I guess so. Lol I acted exactly that way around you. Guess what you do has to rub off on other people at some time. O and sorry for leaving you on xfire. But i've g2g diner and I wont be xfire the rest of the nigth Pacx.
Or maybe I need to call you Je'Karta Prudii since its a mandalorian name and Pacx is your other costume character..
-Nevu out
Looks great! I like that the cod piece is different from what most people make, too. I'm curious--is your uncle a SW fan or he just did it as a favour to you?

the camera of truth has been founded!

and my verpine is READY!

BUT: the computer dosent seem to want to upload the **** pics!!!

Nevu: I can send the pic through xfire (hopefully) if you so wish.

The rest of the Denziens of TDH: Pics soon. We hope.
Ok, update time.

I traced around my upper body armour onto an old white t-shirt and did the design for the paintwork. Pics soon, we hope. It looks really cool though, trust me.
I'm workin' on ur sketch tonight ner vod... I'll get it posted tomorrow if possible. BTW... sounds like a cool concept.

LOVE the verpine AND the drawing! What did you make the verpine out of? For financial reasons, and it seems easier to me, I was going to cut mine out of wood and just add the scope, some padding and the barrel. You did tell me you made 2. *whispers, could I buy the other one off ya vode?* lol jk pacx.
keep it up!
Hey Ner'Vod. Thanks for the compliment! The verp is aluminium stuff. Your plan sounds easier than what i did, alot of cutting and sticking involved.

Oh, i have a question: What paint should i use on my armour? I dont want it to look ******.

I used spray paint. I cant think of the brand off the top of my head. But it was the glossy kind.
Well, of to the hobby store i went, and the paint is ready. I'm gonna have to key the sintra beforehand, and then splatter away :P

Anyway, I thought this would be a good place to post my character's (Je'Karta Prudii) biography.

---------------------------------Je'Karta Prudii------------------------------
Je'Karta Prudii (original name: Akaan A'den Traven, Fistone Prudii Ori Mins-Hat) is the leader of a mercenary group named 'Crimson Gatherers', born on Keldabe, Mandalore.

Early Life
The young Akaan was a very intelligent boy. The son of a farmer, he spent much of his time helping his father out on the fields. There, he built up his strength and physical ability. At the age of 16, his father was killed in an unfortunate ploughing accident. He was left with his insane mother, who turned to drink after her husbands death. 2 years later, she committed suicide. After his 18th birthday, Akaan took his dead father's first name, Je'Karta, and his mother's last name, Prudii, as his nickname.

To be Continued, if theres interest.
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