Was in my very first earthquake this morning.


I was laying down on the couch in my parent's front room (I don't have any power in my room right now) and my mother was asleep on a chair across from me. We were both asleep, but we both were awakened at 9:45 am to one of the loudest booms I've ever heard and a bit of shaking. I guess my dad was in the family room because he came in to the living room to see what had happened. He went to the front door and then went outside when he looked out and saw that a bunch of our neighbors were outside as well. A lot of us first thought that it was a large explosion, but later on it had turned out to be an earthquake. It turned out to be a 2.8 on the Richter Scale and it had started in a town about two miles south of us called Mannington.

I read up a little more about it on NBC's website, and along with the information I already knew, apparently New Jersey gets about two or three small quakes in a year. I had never knew that because most of the quakes are apparently up in North Jersey. The town I live in is in South Jersey, near the Delaware Memorial Bridge. I was talking to my ex-fiance about it, and her father had told her that Pennsville hasn't had an earthquake since he was in high school.

So yeah, my first earthquake, it was pretty darn weird.
I'd expect that in California, but to have one in Jersey, it's downright weird. I didn't even know there were fault lines any where near us to even HAVE an earthquake.
The only earthquake I've ever felt was back in the early '80s when I lived in. . . Missouri!
Pretty weird, but that's when I learned about the New Madrid fault.
We get more earthquakes up here than California does. I hardly notice them anymore. We had a 5.4 hit the other day about 75 miles away and I didn't know it until I saw the evening news. Then again, we've had 2 of the largest ever recorded.

I heard from a friend that some people in Salem, the next town over from us, were freaking out and at least one person, whose driveway was a little cracked, wrote on it, "I survived the quake of '09". Now that's just ridiculous, honestly.
The East Coast has MAJOR fault lines running through it that for the most part have been inactive or low activity... I been reading and hearing that the East is due for some major activity which of course would be devastating as they are not ready for such events... Hopefully it's all BS but you never know..
I live in So. Cal. so it's pretty much a regular occurrence to get a little shook up from time to time... Damage is usually minimal though because I've learned to bolt and secure things to prevent it over the years... Welcome to our world:wacko
Never experienced an earthquake before!!! Hope i never do!!!

I did have a tornado hit my house though...well kinda... I heard a similar crack/boom at 4:00AM a few summers ago. The whole house shook like a train hit it!!!! I aint kiddin!!!! I expected the roof to be gone!!!! Surprisingly, no damage to the house, but all my tall trees right next to the house were twisted off about 35-40 feet up like twizzlers!!!!!!!! That was scary!!!
Man, I'm across the river in DE and only read about it in today's paper. By the radius, I should have noticed, apparently, but did not. The magnitude must have been really diminished by the time it got over here.
Man, I'm across the river in DE and only read about it in today's paper. By the radius, I should have noticed, apparently, but did not. The magnitude must have been really diminished by the time it got over here.

I guess it really depends on exactly where in Delaware you are. I suppose the only people there who would've felt it probably lived close to Pennsville.
I used to "feel" it in Cali when I lived there. Lived through the Northridge and Whittier ones while in High School. I don't even think I would notice a 2.8 anymore. But, nice to know there happening elsewhere so others can have fun.
I specifically remember the Whittier one feeling like I was surfing on my living room floor. Very surreal feeling.
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