
Active Hunter
ok this is probably someplace else.. but hell.. people remember these things
1_the crap we work with makes fumes, and they are hazardous, take precaution
2_exactos and other cutting tools are SHARP so handle with care
3_misc accidents happen... dont rush your project, take it slow, youll live longer
4_no matter what, its not worth dying over.. because then your dead. (and your bounty is worth more with you alive)
5_wear safety equipment if you have never worked with something before, aka, if you never used wire cutters to snip 14 gauge wire, wear some eye protection so you dont take your eye out. or fiberglass, wear long thick gloves.. stuff gets sharp and is an irritant.
6_no matter what "minor" thing your doing, do it in a well ventilated area, you never know when the new chemicals might agitate the older ones, and create some nasty fumes.

just a general warning.. add to it if you want, delete it if you want.. but my friend was trying this without help and well.. hes not feeling too good.. so I told him to drink lots of water and lay down in a well ventilated room.
Also make sure you have a ventalated area to work in when Fiberglassing or using other strong chemicals.

Most importantly,
Don't Smoke or use any kind if Flame near the strong Chemicals
because many are Flamable!!
If you are using a large hammer to work on your metal armor, be careful not to hit your leg with said hammer. Large heavy objects + bones = shattered bones. - From a recent post.... Get well soon dude!
Working in construction, I can tell you from experience that safety first is always the way to go. Trust me, invest in a pair of goggles or a face shield, a good dust mask, the right tools, and a fan. Also, make for yourself a decient work space (the kitchen table doesn't count unless you're single and live alone :lol: ) and keep that area clear!!! There is nothing more frustrating than being almost done with a project and screwing it up because you lost your ballance after stepping on junk!

Be safe, be happy. :cheers
Man....You forgot the most hazardous part of all about this hobby.....explaining the credit card bill to your wife because she got home earlier than you and beat you to the mailbox. :eek:
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BoJangleFett said:
Man....You forgot the most hazardous part of all about this hobby.....explaining the credit card bill to your wife because she got home earlier than you and beat you to the mailbox. :eek:

Ain't that the truth!
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