Visor Reshaping


I purchased a visor on ebay but the curvature of the eye section is way too much plus it's got virtually no flexability. What would be the best way to sort this out?
I have tried puting it in hot (not boiling) water but it was having none of it.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Its probubly hard acrylic in which case you cannot do much to reshape it. IT was probubly made for a larger helmet and your trying to put it into a rubies or something? your probubly better off looking for a weilding visor.
Yep, if it is acrylic you can put it in the oven at about 300 degrees for 10 minutes. I have also had good luck using a heat gun. It let me apply the heat exactly where I needed it without having to reshape the whole visor. This might be the method you want to try first.
Thanks for the advice guys, I will have to give the oven a try because I don't have a heat gun.
I had sent a message to the guy who I believe made my fibreglass helmet (Ojika I think he goes by) to see about buying a new ear cap and was going to ask if he could do me another visor but I have not heard back from him.
Fingers crossed I guess.
Well after sawing it to shape the oven turned out to be a success.
I checked on it after 3 minutes and it had gone totally flat.

I can see that installing it is going to wind me up a bit.
I just got done using a razor blade to cut out all the needed space to make it look right. It took about an hour but i got it all cut out and my T-visor is snapped in with metal buttons that are glued in place so that i cant take the visor in and out for painting. I hope this helps.
I bought some acrylic for making a visor for the helmet I bought from bidkidbiggertoys.

I wanted to know when you put the acrylic in the oven, do you set it on a flat cookie sheet? Can it touch the cookie sheet and keep a smooth surface? When you take it out to bend it, can you just use some leather gloves, or did you use something else?
Yes, you can use a flat cookie sheet. The one I used has some mall dimples in the surface & this transfered to the visor in a couple of areas where it was over heated. This wasn't to big of a problem, I just sanded out the imperfections & polished the visor to restore optical clarity. You will have no ther choice than to use heavy leather gloves or oven mitts, the acrylic stays hot!
Where can I find an online store where I can buy these welder face shields? I've been searching TDH forever and I remember seing it but i think it got deleted a while ago. Thanks!
bigkidbiggertoys said:
Yes, you can use a flat cookie sheet. The one I used has some mall dimples in the surface & this transfered to the visor in a couple of areas where it was over heated. This wasn't to big of a problem, I just sanded out the imperfections & polished the visor to restore optical clarity. You will have no ther choice than to use heavy leather gloves or oven mitts, the acrylic stays hot!

Once I take it out of the oven at 300 degrees, can I then lay it right on the helmet fiberglass, to get the shape? I was worried that the hot plastic would be too hot for the fiberglass helmet, and maybe burn or warp it.
Just lay it inside the helmet. It won't burn or warp the helmet. It will cool down quickly so you have to work fast. If you screw up, just reheat the piece & try it again.
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