Visor Attachment, etc.

i'm nearly done painting a Rubies (i know :lol: ) and am nearing the stage where i'll need to cut out and attach a better visor (in this case Boba Makers). i was wondering what the best method for cutting out the existing "visor" and attaching the new one was. i was going to dremel but i'm not sure... any suggestions from the wise members of TDH would be GREATLY appreciated.:D
Well, I used velcro, and it worked very well.

edit: oh, you wanted to know how to cut it out.

I have to read these things better.
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The dremel is an invaluable tool when cutting out the visor, although there are plenty of other ways to do it. I used a dremel and recommend it as well.

Thanks guys, i figured dremel would be best, what bits would be good for the narrow part of the visor though (the part closest to the "ears"), a cut-off wheel would work fine with the rest right? it just seems to me that a cut off is too wide for the narrow part.
thanks again.
I used a drywall cutting attachment. It's able to get in those small corners, although you have to go back and sand the burs off.
I'd use a large fiberglass cutting wheel to take off most of the "meat"..then go back in with files to get it perfect. You'll have much less risk of a mistake if you take this approach ;)

tin snip scissors worked well to cut the bottom portion out. dremmel to do the touch ups and upper portion. I think it's a good way to cut your work time in half.
I used a dremel tool and it work great,just take your time on the cutting.You will have shavings left over and smooth them out with some fine sand paper. Clean where you need to then you should be good.
Will the replacement T-Visor from BM even fit a Rubies? I was under the impression that the BM was made to size for Mystery helmets... Aren't those considerably bigger than Rubies? Or do you plan on trimming the BM visor to size?

Sorry if thats a silly question, but I'm still learning about all of the different products... And methods...

I was worried about the size too, but BM's description says it'll fit a rubies... and nearly everything else. So I figured it wouldn't be hard to trim even if it was necessary.
Thanks again to everyone who responded.
Yup... I just re-read the description. I was totally wrong in thinking that they were made JUST for the MH. I'll just chalk it up to experience. :facepalm
Thanks again guys...
Got the visor from BM, now i just gotta CAREFULLY cut out the T on the bucket, and trim the visor to fit. Wish me luck:lol:

....I'll post pics when finished.....if it's a successs:p
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