vest weathering

Hi guys, I need advice on my vest! It has a sheen to it that I need to tone down, and was wondering the best way to give it a more matt finish. the material has a shiny sheen to it and I was thinking maybe an airbrushing would solve it- maybe a matt varnish? any help would be much appreciated!!
Just give it a few LIGHT dustings with gray, black and tan paints... either spray cans or airbrush. Do it from a good distance so that you don't get full coverage. Your just looking to tone it down a tiny bit.
webchief said:
Just give it a few LIGHT dustings with gray, black and tan paints... either spray cans or airbrush. Do it from a good distance so that you don't get full coverage. Your just looking to tone it down a tiny bit.

That's exactely how I did all of my soft parts. I didn't use any gray paints though just black and tan. If you use a spray can, do make sure you are a good distance from your suit.
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