Vest /Jumpsuit Question

The Custome Mandalorian I am working on, I was planning on using a black jumpsuit, with a black vest, and then do red armor with some blue trim.

The helmet is already painted, it's got a black over all color, red trim, and then two blue fang-spike things on the upper helmet spiking just above my eyes.

So, I'm having trouble finding something that will work for a flight suit and a vest. The flight suits that I find at Surplus stores are all army green, and the material they are made out of isn't the best material for dying.

So, I decided I'm going into Reno tomorrow to find a flight suit and a vest, but I have no idea where to go. Jaster over at Mandalorian Warrior suggests to try Sears or JC Penny's for jump suits.

Also, another question I had...I'm a hefty guy (Power to the fat people!) and that's the reason I decided against making Stormtrooper armor. Is there a way I can desguise the fat? I was thinking of adding a Flynn-like sash going over one shoulder and tucking under the belt and then flapping out over the cod piece, maybe that will distract from my stomach and add a more shoulder buffness to the costume.

What do you guys think? Any ideas? You're the experts here. :D
Well you can get white coveralls from

there all cotton and dye really nice, they also go way up there in size.

As for the vest that is a tricky one. I have no answers for that as I made my own using scrap material I had and just pinned it together like I wanted, then got real material and had someone sew it up.

As for the hiding bulkyness question. Yu can always do what Jango Fett does. his vest comes down to the belt pouches, and the girth goes up over past the navel, you never see any of the belly area. you could probubly even make an extra wide girth belt to support your middle section and give a more sliming appearance.
Lol, those jumpsuits cost like 30 dollars. Ya'll listen, ya hear...

Go to a goodwill shop or second hand sales store (I'm sure there's one around you) and ask if they have any jumpsuites or coveralls. I bought mine in NEW condition for 4.00 dollars. It's already light blue and has zip up in the front. Maybe I was just blessed when I decided to start on my costume, but I'm sure theres lots of Auto Mechanics dropping off some old jumpsuits.

Best Wishes,
Well the chances of finding a jumpsuit that can be modified, has the right color, and in your size if very unlikely to happen.

I doubt if there is gonna be a light gray jumpsuit, or the correct blue ESB jumpsuit just waiting on you at goodwill. Its worth a look though, mine didnt have anything.

The only real reason to get those jumpsuits is to get it in white, so you can get white material for pouches etc. and you dont have to match the color up best you can, and its very hard to. This way you can dye it all one color.
I got one of these. They are great! The longer inseam looks like it could fit Shaqille O'Neill!!!!! I had to send it back.

I am 6'2" and 250 and the 50 with a 30 inseam is perfect.

cal196 wrote:

Well you can get white coveralls from

there all cotton and dye really nice, they also go way up there in size.

As for the vest that is a tricky one. I have no answers for that as I made my own using scrap material I had and just pinned it together like I wanted, then got real material and had someone sew it up.

As for the hiding bulkyness question. Yu can always do what Jango Fett does. his vest comes down to the belt pouches, and the girth goes up over past the navel, you never see any of the belly area. you could probubly even make an extra wide girth belt to support your middle section and give a more sliming appearance.
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