Vest/Jumpsuit mock-up. Input appreciated

Darth Mule

Active Hunter
So, after being here on TDH for going on 3 years now, I decided to finally start work on my Boba. My first post on my costume was originally intended to be pics of my finished bucket, but I got bored and started playing with the soft parts. This is my first mock-up of the vest over a nicely fitted military flightsuit that i will be scavenging for pattern pieces in the near future. I'm looking for shape and silhouette here. I mocked it up out of lightweight muslin and there's only one sleevelet, because in my line of work we traditionally mock-up one side and copy it to the other. I think the jumpsuit shape will work. The vest I'm thinking is right, it just looks weird to me cuz it's not fully fleshed out with the battings and what-not. Shoulda mocked it up with stiffer muslin... Anyway. Whadaya think. Critique me. I need input.

fett 001.jpg

fett 003.jpg
Looks pretty good for a first mock up, muslin is not going to be the most sturdy for the vest. I usually use muslin as a test fabric when creating a pattern. Like a rough draft basically. You might want to try a soft canvas or twill for it. The muslin will likely not support your armor.
Use that vest as your pattern for the next one and make alterations to it to construct the next one. Make sense?
Other wise off to a good start.
Looks like you're on your way but its much too long. The vest should not reach your waistline... its more like a half-shirt look. Also, the material should have a sheen to it so canvas or twill won't work. It needs to be padded and have a dull shine to it. Also, I couldn't tell from the photos but does it have the ribbed shoulders?
crazy4BobaFett said:
Most fabric that has a sheen to it is a brushed cotton and it is not sturdy enough.
The twill I use has a mild sheen to it.

The fabric that Bobbafettish researched and bought for many of us here in bulk has a sheen to it just like the original. Not sure what type of fabric it is but its dead on.
crazy4BobaFett said:
Looks pretty good for a first mock up, muslin is not going to be the most sturdy for the vest. I usually use muslin as a test fabric when creating a pattern. Like a rough draft basically. You might want to try a soft canvas or twill for it. The muslin will likely not support your armor.

Use that vest as your pattern for the next one and make alterations to it to construct the next one. Make sense?

Other wise off to a good start.


Yes it makes sense, because that's exactly what I'm doing. No offense, but I've probably been doing this longer than most here, including yourself (unless of course you've been in the garment industry for 6 years or more). I have extensive cutting/draping experience. Bachelor's in costume design/construction plus 2 years in the field and currently working on my masters.

I probably should have explained before... A "mock-up" is a first draft of a garment made out of inexpensive fabric, usually muslin, so that you can get the basic shape down before cutting the real or "fashion fabric". This is just, as I said before, for getting the shape right. So, there are no closures, ribs in sleeve, batting, etc. That's all finishing work. I actually patterned this from a basic body block made from my measurements. I noticed the vest in the MOM pics is very fitted, so I thought that would be the best way to go. If all works as planned I will post a pattern free tutorial when I'm done. I actually have what appears to be screen accurate fabric that I found at a thrift store of all places. A light grey polished cotton with a slight sheen to it. Found about 6 yard of it in the fabric bin for 99 cents. Good find huh? I'll continue to post pics as progress is made.

webchief said:
Looks like you're on your way but its much too long. The vest should not reach your waistline... its more like a half-shirt look. Also, the material should have a sheen to it so canvas or twill won't work. It needs to be padded and have a dull shine to it. Also, I couldn't tell from the photos but does it have the ribbed shoulders?

Thanks to webchief for the advice on length. Right now I have it just coming down to my fashion waist (i.e. where jeans sit) It was kinda hard to tell from the MOM pics if it came down there or just to the natural waist (around the navel)… Flightsuits don't have a very defined waist, so it's difficult to make out. I was worried that the sleevelet thingy might be too small, but I was referring to the MOM pics last nite and they appear to be about right.

crazy4BobaFett said:
Most fabric that has a sheen to it is a brushed cotton and it is not sturdy enough.

The twill I use has a mild sheen to it.

Actually, if you refer to the the screen images, there is no twill weave to the vest fabric. Twill has a raised kind of diagonal weave pattern to the surface of the fabric. The accurate fabric would have a standard weave. You can give the lighter brushed cotton more weight, making it sturdy enough with the simple use of linings. Im sure once the vest is lined and batted, it will support the armor. If it needs more structure you can always flatline it before assembly.

So any other suggestions folks? About how long should the vest be? You kind of have to look at it and imagine it filled out with batting and made from the right fabric..
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Chris, when I get home I'll measure the length of my vest for you... its a TK409 special. ;)

Thanks for the clarification on the ribbed shoulders... didn't realize that the details didn't get sewn into mock ups. Makes sense though. :) I never claimed to be a tailor... just trying to help where I THINK I can. :lol:

*EDIT* Changed wording of seamstress to tailor to make Iycis happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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webchief said:
Chris, when I get home I'll measure the length of my vest for you... its a TK409 special. ;)

Thanks for the clarification on the ribbed shoulders... didn't realize that the details didn't get sewn into mock ups. Makes sense though. :) I never claimed to be a tailor... just trying to help where I THINK I can. :lol:

*EDIT* Changed wording of seamstress to tailor to make Iycis happy. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah.. I realized after I posted that some people might misunderstand what I was showing/asking, but you did give me useful info. I'd appreciate the measurement.
yup! looks good! little higher seam and some padding.

the padding makes all the difference, that really make sit look ... Fett like :)

keep going there!:cheers

I just measured my TK409 vest and its 17 inches long. Keep in mind though that it will be different for everyone. I'm 6'2" and it comes to just a little below my naval. Hope that helps!
Yes, that helps a great deal. 17 inches is actually the average nape of neck to waist (natural waist falls around the navel area) measurement for an adult male. It's actually mine as well cuz I guess I'm pretty average. :p

Thanks webchief.

I'll post more pics when I make some progress.
1st off - i haven't read any of this thread, so i have no idea what's going - i just saw that you were from Richmond - and working on a Fett - and being that I'm 'from' richmond, but living in newport news, and I've done a Jango, and had my own vest made, if you want any help, shoot me a PM and if I can find some time I can see what help i can offer, or spare parts from my jango which is collecting dust...
I've been sewing for about 15 years and was just speaking in laymens terms you know what your doing then. The mock up looks great and lucky find on the fabric! I do the same thing when I find something I buy all of it, just like the fabric I found yesterday for the Padme poncho for AOTC battle outfit for my five years old costume I'm working on.
I'd love to see this done and your concept on the finished vest.
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never_risk_the_fett_man said:
dude,im using the same exact u have any idea what the nylon string is for on the thigh?

I was wondering that myself... I pulled it out of the little pocket, and quickly stuffed it back in. I love the shape of the flightsuit tho. I spent last nite cutting it up for a pattern.

And for an update.. Just finished stitching a first full vest. Made a little oopsie that I thought I'd wait till tomorrow to fix, then I'll post pics. I think it may be a little too dark grey. I'm a bit confused over the whole color thing anyway. Everyone seems pretty much in agreement on the ROTJ vest being an off white. I'm not sure what the MOM is made up of. The gauntlets and gun are ROTJ and the vest is definitely a light grey. It looks just a hint lighter than the jumpsuit, which itself is different colored on the short sleeve than the long one.
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