using a fan in a bucket


Active Hunter
question for every body I want to use a fan in my buckt to help cool it down but the only ones I can find are ones that require 12v power source but I am seeing people use 9v batteries are there 9v fans out there or am I missing something??
You are not missing anything. The fans in my Jango and in my TK are all 12v and I use a 9v to power them.
While a 12V fan will work with a 9V battery, there are 9V fans available. I don't know if radio shack would carry such an item or not, but it is worth a shot.

I currently run 2 12V fans in my Scout Bucket (drawing air in from the ears) and I am always replacing the batteries. I know there are 12V batteries out there... just too darn lazy to get them and/or resolder my fans to run on separate batteries. :)
well got my fan installed (thanks for the advise every body) I actually had to add on to the frame of the fan, or else the actual fan would touch the inside of the buckt and not turn. So after doing that attaching the switch the battery and the padding to the inside of the bucket there is no wiggle room at all LOL. now know since my first bucket is a rubies they are not that big but this is perfect for my starter bucket and I do plan on up grading.
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