UPDATE 7-14-05 - The link to the X LARGE Boba Fett Templates has been added in the first post.


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Great looking templates, but I have one problem. I tried opening one of the files in Paint, but I'm unable to change the resolution to get the templates to the correct size. Should I try opening them in a different program? And if so, what should I use? Any help is greatly appreciated.
For MS Paint try going to the "File" "Page Setup" in the lower right hand corner set the "Fit to:" 1 page to 1 page. Also right above the "Fit to:" block you will have to reset the margins to .25" on all sides. This should resize the image and allow you to print it on a single page.

If you are still having a problem let me know and I see if I can revise the template to work easier with MS Paint.

Yes, I see the problem apparently the older versions of paint do not have that option. What size do you need? I will work up a set that is MS Paint compatible for you.

Trying to make a Paint compatible file just was not working out way too evolved. But I think I have a solution, I have converted a set of medium sized templates into a PDF file. The test run worked perfectly. So if you have Acrobat all you have to do is print them out and your off and running.[/

If this will work for you just PM me your e-mail address and I send them on over

Thanks so much for your contributions, I'll be doing a Boba Fett costume in '06 ( have TK armor now ) and making the hard armor parts myself will save me alot of cash that I can put towards on a better quality items on other parts of the costume.

Just wanted to let you know how much your time and work is appreciated

I'm 5"7 and downloaded the medium file, but when I print it it all doesn't come out on one sheet and I also don't know how to get it to 97.1%? If you guys help me and I do get it working how do I trace the templates onto a trash can? Does 5" equal one foot on the scale? Thanks

The armor templates are designed to print out on standard paper. Try using the fit to page option in the print comand of you graphics program. As for printing out to the 97% that will depend on the capabilities of your graphics program. Most programs will allow you to print a various scales.

If you are still having problems let me know and I can send you a PDF file that should clear up th printing issues. My e-mail is wizardofflight@comcast.net

The 5" scale should print out to equal 5" when the templates are printed full size.

Thanks for the templates!
They are just wonderful!
I was having a heck of a time trying to figure out my cod piece and the template you created was perfect!
Thanks so much!
I can't seem to get the "small" templates to download. I was able to get the large (for me) with no problem, but I wanted to try out the small version for my son. Thanks!
Send me a PM with your e-mail and I'll send them right out to you.


P.S. How tall is your son?

Vesper2112 said:
I can't seem to get the "small" templates to download. I was able to get the large (for me) with no problem, but I wanted to try out the small version for my son. Thanks!
I just wanted to say thanks for the templates. I've cut them out and they match my son's frame perfectly! I can't wait to get these painted up. :thumbsup:
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