ROTJ Paint codes


New Hunter
Hello all,
I commissioned someone to paint my armor and they are asking for paint codes. I have no idea about this and thought that they might be hidden in here somewhere.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.
There are no paint codes or single colors for parts. The best you can get to that is the 501st color guide ShortFuse posted but an accurate paint job is going to have misting of other colors and layers. All the ROTJ armor is a few colors misted on top of each other. Just look at this production diamond for example. Lots going on, not a single color to get a paint code for.


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There are no paint codes or single colors for parts. The best you can get to that is the 501st color guide ShortFuse posted but an accurate paint job is going to have misting of other colors and layers. All the ROTJ armor is a few colors misted on top of each other. Just look at this production diamond for example. Lots going on, not a single color to get a paint code for.
Absolutely. That color list is only a starting point. There are many layers to all the parts.
I concur with NeoFett and ShortFuse. I wish it was as simple as having 1 color that could be the gold standard but most will use a combination of paints and misting that creates depth and variation to the paint job. This will usually change the color from your starting point dramatically.

Here's an example of how this really does shift the color of the paint and why it's hard to recommend 1 color:
This is piece of scrap material I used to do some tests on a while back. I taped off my base green coat in the bottom right corner before doing misting experiments, and removed it at the end. You can really see how much here things changed from the starting point.

Hate to be a negative nelly but I'm questioning anyone who is selling commissions to do Fett armor asking for color codes... I'm not a regular commissioner (is that a proper word in this case?) but I've done nine life size Fetts of my own and everyone of them, other than the Arena and Supertrooper were experiment after experiment of color mixing and misting.
Hate to be a negative nelly but I'm questioning anyone who is selling commissions to do Fett armor asking for color codes... I'm not a regular commissioner (is that a proper word in this case?) but I've done nine life size Fetts of my own and everyone of them, other than the Arena and Supertrooper were experiment after experiment of color mixing and misting.
Yeah, my painter actually specializes in Mando armor and he is really good at that so I thought he may have done Fett before but he has not and was asking about the codes. I think I just need to find a painter who is comfortable with doing Fett armor and commission them.

I sent a DM to user dean.cfh over on Boba Fett Builders who is a commissioned painter and got no response yet but I def need to find someone like that.
Yeah, my painter actually specializes in Mando armor and he is really good at that so I thought he may have done Fett before but he has not and was asking about the codes. I think I just need to find a painter who is comfortable with doing Fett armor and commission them.

I sent a DM to user dean.cfh over on Boba Fett Builders who is a commissioned painter and got no response yet but I def need to find someone like that.
If youd like to message me Im a Fett Painter, and have some commission spaces available.
Yeah, my painter actually specializes in Mando armor and he is really good at that so I thought he may have done Fett before but he has not and was asking about the codes. I think I just need to find a painter who is comfortable with doing Fett armor and commission them.

I sent a DM to user dean.cfh over on Boba Fett Builders who is a commissioned painter and got no response yet but I def need to find someone like that.
ROTJ is my specialty. I've got some slots open as well.


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