Unusual Question


New Hunter
I have something of an unusual question. Jango is my favorite SW character and I've been wanting to do a costume for years and I finally have the time and expendable cash to do it right. However, I've got a design problem. I'm a girl with, shall we say, "large tracks of land" and I'm not sure how that's going to fit with the breast plate, or how my assorted other curves are going to work with the finished costume. I want to shoot for as as authentic as possible, so I was wondering if anyone here had any advice on how to proceed? I don't think a couple heavy duty Ace bandages are going to be enough. :)
for the girls, i'd suggest a under armor sports bra. that should bring their profile down a bit and keep them in one place. i'm not sure how large your tracts of land are, but these go up to a d cup.
You may want to also try some heavy duty interfacing between inner and outer layers when putting together your vest. It will help keep things more uniform while wearing.
Thanks for the suggestions. :) I'll see if I can locate the under armor, I didn't realize they made sports bras.

This is my first real indepth costuming attempt, so I will definately be back with lots and lots of questions. I'm shooting to have it mostly finished by DragonCon '10, but you know how deadlines are...they make such a great sound as they go whooshing by.
I'm making myself a Boba armour, and I have some tracks of land myself. I'm planning on making my jetpack harness into a "boob-corset" to squeeze them flat. :lol:
try asking mirax h about how to pull of jango convincingly. she's got a great suit, and aside from the way she stands when she's not consciously posing, you'd never know she was female.
Thanks for the suggestions. :) I'll see if I can locate the under armor, I didn't realize they made sports bras.

This is my first real indepth costuming attempt, so I will definately be back with lots and lots of questions. I'm shooting to have it mostly finished by DragonCon '10, but you know how deadlines are...they make such a great sound as they go whooshing by.

i thought i posted the link. here you go: http://www.underarmour.com/shop/us/en/womens/apparel/sports-bras
Indeed, I've known a few female troopers and if ya wanna be flat, ya need to go buy a sports bra and then put a girdle on over it. Spanx comes to mind but they're a bit expensive. You should be able to find comparable items at your local Target. Now this may feel uncomfotable but unfortunately theres little to remedy the excesses of nature.
Nice try, but I grew up in the internet generation and know full well what strange and terrible things await the female that unwarily posts her pic on a forum. :p No one's getting a pic of me till the whole kit's finished, sorry.

Okay, second dumb newbie question: I'm fairly confident about making or finding everything but the helmet. Is there a model that tends to be the best base to start with for a Jango bucket? I've seen ready made Boba helmets, with the dent, but none for Jango.
for your helmet it depends on a few things. even though the jango helmet is smaller than boba's, your height and frame should be accounted for. if you're under 5'7" i'd suggest getting a (i hate to say it) rubies helmet. you can usually find them on ebay for around $70. it'll take some work to make it nice; replace the visor, cut out the keyslots on the back, repaint the whole thing, but when you're done it'll look good and be the right scale. if you're taller than that though go with an asok cold cast helmet. it's amazing! it'll take about the same amount of work to get finished and it's sooooooo nice.
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