Unpainted Mystery Helmet Needed

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Hey guys. I really need someone to step out on a limb and lend me an unpainted mystery helmet to create some very detailed helmet comparison shots to be shared with TDH. I am trying to get together some key helmets that have been the center of discussion lately and do a side by side comparison to show which is most like an original. If anyone is willing to help, please PM me. I really need a helmet in kit for, no ears or anything else, just the raw casting. Thanks!
well i have a sgt fang in production 2 weeks ago he said they would be done, but he had some snow issues , and i have tried to contact him to no avail,, anyway i have an ms3 which i got while waiting for my fang so i am in no rush to get it, and if you have some contact info for him you could have him ship it to you , and when you are done you could ship it to me
I am trying to get together some key helmets that have been the center of discussion lately and do a side by side comparison to show which is most like an original.

Hey BB, just wondering if you are still working on this. I'm very curious to see what you come up with.
I can send ya one of my SGTFang's if you can't get another
they are in the back row, the front 2 are MS2's

fett armour 027.jpg

Could you post a photo of an MS2 side by side with a SgtFang but stand 5 feet away from the both of them and zoom in tight? The 5 feet is a good distance most cameras have no problem handling, but one where perspective distortion is greatly reduced so the is no subtle fish-eye effect going on.

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